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Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972
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ENGINE GROUP I A E SPECIAL INFORMATION The Engine Build Code Number the Vehicle Identification Number and the infcrmciion provided on the Trim Plain ora often necessary when clerermining vhs proper replacement paris for your vehicle For their Ionciion rciar to the General lniormution Sccliun found ui the fren of this coming NOTES l I On 1972 Mx used prior to Engine Build Code No 502 A B E F 07 and can he ideniiiie by having 0 Shaft running the Iangth of fha Cylinder Head retaining ull Rocker Arms l 2 On W72 Six used beginning with Engine Build Cedc No 502 A B E F 07 cud can he identified by buying each nicks and Exhcuxv Valve Recker Arm ufwched to the Cylinder Hand with c Pivot cmd 2 Bulls l 3 For correci Head Gasket refer to Service Bullmin 962 li service repluccmnni Head Gaskai Cornpouitlcn Type T38 5462 is needed ii musv be crdered along wiih Overhaul Gusktri Sei I 4 Frame to lnsulumr rent mourning Bracket is Welded Brqckef design T 5 Frame 10 lnsulaior front muunling Bracket is Die Cust design T 6 Use KH WF 625 when replacing 946 789 Bruckel 942 U28 Brnclmt or 3i7 368l insulator l 7 On W67 used prior to Engine Build Code Nar 9064 30 end beginning with Engine Build Code No 909 L I2 l 8 Bn W6 used beginning with Engine Build Coda Nu 906 30 one prior to Engine Build Code ne 9094 12 IJ Twist Type Oil Filler Cop g 2 e i Nr M N l l0 Push Type Oil Filler Cup Si M 5 3 i Printed in U S A Gr I i