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Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972
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ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTS GROUP 3 NOTES Ei 3 27 Used prior to the folhawing Serial Numbers MODEL SERIAL NO MODEL SEREAL NG MGDEL SERIAL NO 1312 10610 1313 10524 1314C 11446 1312C 10139 1314 13170 3 28 Used beginning with the following Seri 1 Numbers MODEL SERIAL NO NIGDEL SERIAL 1 10 MODEL SEREAL N0 1312 10610 1313 10524 1314C 11446 1312C 10139 1314 13170 3 29 Used prior to 11 na Folhwing Sar 1 Numbers MODEL SERIAL NO MODEL SERIAL N0 MODEL SERIAL N0 1412 111505 2406A L 15595 34068 13818 1412C 10338 2406B 13202 3406C 11537 1413 10270 24060 10044 34060 10292 1414 24338 2406F M 121506 3406E 11599 1414C 15887 3 30 Used beginning whh the killewlng Smriui Numbers MODEL SEREAL N0 MODEL SER1AL NO MODEL SERIAL NQ 1412 11605 2406A 15595 340613 13818 1412C 10338 24068 1 13202 340 C 11537 1413 10270 240613 10044 340613 10292 1414 24338 2406F 120015 3406E 1 11599 1414C 15887 3 31 Siumped with Srewud Werner Nu 4482341 3 32 Used on Vehicies equipped with Du 1 Wheels 3 33 Aleemumr cndiusring Sercp is nee pim f eine Mcwming Bracket 3 34 Aherncror adiusting Swap end Mounting Bracket is u 1 Piece U Shaped Ermzkei 1 Printer in 15 S A Gr 3 3