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Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972
PrevPrevious Page - Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972Next Page - Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972Next
3 615 ELECTR1CA L INSTRUME NTS 3 6U0 2 ATTACHING PARTS Ammerer To Case PALNUT ALL 1973 2 320 8221 3 605 1 GAUGE 011 Prussian In Insirumenr C1ua1er1 ALL 19 3 1 612 73 3 695 2 ATTACHING PARTS Gauge To Case NUT Srcmpcd ALL 1973 2 320 8221 3 605 3 SENSING UNIT 011 Pressure ALL 230 1 938 092 ALL 232 258 30 1 360 1972 Ami Prim 1 314 2826 ALL 258 360 19731 545 0229 ALL 327 Liwd Wifhvur E5w 1 1 1 318 2 952 ALL 3513 1 137 O74 3 605 4 BUSHING 011 Pressure Sending Uni Reducer ALL B2 350 17 1 6619923 3 60 5 ELBOW Oil Pressure Gauge ALL 304 36011971 1972 1 1121 2002 ALL 36 5 1 9 31 1 9409927 3 610 I GAUGE Wuicr Temperature In 1n srrument Clusrer ALL 1973 1 812 2472 ALL 1972 And Pr1 r 3 7 1 9313 6511 ALL 1972 And r1 r 3 B 1 941 801 3 610 2 ATTACHING PARTS Guucc To C1us er NUT Tirsnermcn ALL 1972 d Prim 17 2 14562 E 1U 1 Smmpc 1 ALL 1971 2 320 8221 3 610 3 SEEDING UNH Water Temperature ALL 230 327 1 QM 72d ALL 23211965 1970 1 QM 1341 ALL 232 258 3044360 1971 1 317 7596 ALL 350 1 9118 346 3 61 GAUGE Gcsulinc ln Instrument Gustav ALL 1973 1 S12 24171 ALL 1 7l Ar Pr1 f 3 7 1 938 655 ALL 1972 xm 1 1 r1 3 8 1 941 1302 3 615 2 ATTACHING PARTS Gcuuc To Cluster mm T1 em1 ALL 1972 And Prim 11 2 144562 PALNU1 ALL 1973 2 320 8221 3 615 3 GAUGE Gqscline Sending Unit ln Gcsoiine Tank WAC 230 M O 1 1T 1 1 1 929 6 TRK 230 1 93OA 9 WAG 23 32 327 35 3 19139 AndPri0r1 L s a Outlet Tube 1 938 1127 WAG 23 e 25830 1 35C 3C O 1970 1 992 922 in 1214 232 35 1 mum And Qurhar TULLLPGY1 01948 922 1 948 928 1 RK Erccpf 230 1 c 9418 9281 1 WB 9 22 TEK 258 BBC1 36U 1 Qu11r Tu1 1 1 9413 29 Prinied in U A Gs 3 T 45