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Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972
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STANDARD OVERDRIVE FOURSPEED HYORAMATTC TRANSMISSTON GROUP S SPECIAL WFORMATTON The Engine Build Code Number the Vehicle Identification Number and the information provided an the Trim Pinto are often necessary when determining the proper replacement ports io your vehicle For their location refer to the General information Section found at the front of this catalog NOTES 6 l Used prior to the following Serial Numbers A MODEL SERIAL N0 MODEL SERIAL NO MODEL SEMAL NO l312 O6 il B13 10525 l3l4C 11447 1312C 10140 1314 l3i71 6 2 Used beginning with the ieilawirig i io Nxtmlaersr MODEL SERIAL NG MQDEI SERIAL NO MODEL SERIAL N0 1312 106 ll 1313 i0S2S i3l4C H447 ISIZC GT4D l3l4 13 i7l 8 3 Used prior to the following Seriai Numbers MODEL SERlAL NO MODEL SERIAL NO MODEL SERlAL NO 23068 10321 33065 10430 33060 10034 2306 Z 10004 3306C 10098 6 4 Used on AWD Truck with 5000 Lb GV up to Serial Na 2406W 2i 238Z and 3406W 2 l101i it is standard for 4WD Wagon 6 5 Used on AWD Truck with 5000 Lb GVW after Serial Na 240 W 20238 and 3406 20l0iG 6 6 Used prior to Serial Na 2406S 1 ll458 and 3406X l03002 6 7 Used beginning with Seriai Net 24D6X 101458 and 34U6X i03002 6 8 Used with Transmission Tag Na 998 577 998 578 and 535 1263 111 6 9 Used with Transmission Tag bio 998 579 6 TO Usecl with I1 Clutch and Transmission Tag Na 998 577 and 998 SB4 6 I2 s For use on Transmission without Brake 6 T3 Far use on Transmission with Brake 6 14 Two types of Shifting Plates ore used Refer to Type 1 illustration below for correct type needed 6 l5 Two types of Shifting Plates are used Refer to Type 2 illustration below for correct type needed 6 A6 Used with Type l Shiiring Plcnte Refer to Typo I Shiiting Fiore Illustration 6 17 Used with Type 2 Shifting Flute Refer Ta Type 2 Shifting Pirate iiiustrnticnh Printed in U 5 A Gr 6 l