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Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972
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SHIFTING GROUP 7 SPECIAL INFORMATION The Engine Build Code Number the Vshicla Identification Number and rho n rrn ii n provider cn iho Trim Plain ore chen raocossory when determining vhs proper repluesrnem psres for your vehicle For choir Ioormon rnior in she G n r I Inicrmution sori n fosnd ui who from of rms soeniog NOTES 7 I Lever is used on Cane Shih Lack Screw on Shift Forks and Roii Ends 7 2 Lover is used cn Cons Shih smh Spring Pins on Shih Forks ond Rcii Ends 7 5 Lnvm is used with Trunsniissivn No 947692 7 6 Lovor is ond wich Trsrismissiun No 9924Il 998484 und 998485 7 7 Lover is used wioh Transmission Mo 992210 7 8 used prior to Serial No i4I2 2003 2 H12 2000IS I413 200S53 ldl4 2D5704 ond 14ldC 200596 I 9 Ussd beginning smh Serini Nu M12 200352 l4 2C 200015 N13 200553 I414 205704 rind I4I4C 2i 0596 7 IO Used withoui Simon on Shih Knob 7 1 used wash Button on shiir Knob 7 I2 Used prim so i969 Modais 1 13 ussa beginning with 1969 Mssiols 7 I5 usoa only on Farsi Cars wawh ink go xnsrsiioiion from Firm Pon 7 I6 Shiixing Rod hos Threads cn Goa End and rhs iutui Length is I6 7 17 Skifting Rod has no Threads ond rho som Lengrh is id 7 18 Shining Rod has Threads oo ons End ond the ioiai Lsnqsh is 14 S6 7 19 Sirihiog Rod has no Thnru s und the meol Length is 14 562 7 Z0 Shifting Rod hus Woidod Pin on one End of rhs Rod ona used with T14 Transmission 7 21 Shifting Rod is cn Fmgcd Rod hos no weiding und umd with TIA Transmission 7 22 shining Ron is Moa with TH Transmission 7 23 Shihina Rnd is used smh TIS Tronsrnissiors 7 24 Shifting Rod has Woldnd Pin on one End rhs Rcd and is used wish YI5 Transmission 7 25 Shihing Rori is o Forged Rod hos nc wolding cmd is ussd wish U5 Transmission 7 26 Used wirh Directional 5Ign I and 4 Way Fiosher 7 27 usod loss Direoiionnt Signol ood 4 Way Flcshar 7 28 Used with TIA Transmission Tug Nor 947 456 and TIS Tronsrnission Tug No 998 577 7 29 User with FI4 Tronsmissicn Tog Mo 998 770 7 30 umd wnh Transmission Tag No 998 766 and 993 579 7 31 Use wilh Transmission Tag no Bas 2 3 Gr 7 I