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Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972
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8 014 BRAKES WHEELS 8 1 H 3 NUT Brake Shoe Adiusifnq Screw ALL 238 Except Dua WheeIe 8 2 4 A 920 EU ALI 232 327 LAE3 Except Du WhecI 5 4 920 302 TRK From 230 Dam W tee 1s E ce pi 2W 12OWB 2 PEO 302 TRK Front 232 327 LAE Du i wheels 2 920 302 TFEK Rear 230 Oval Whecie Except 2WD 12C WB L 2 920 322 TRK Rear 232 327 3EO Dua Wheeis Used With 13 2 1 2 Brakes 2 92O 322 ALL Left 232 258 304 32 350 3 C WAB Excei r Dual Wheels 2 943 133 TRK Left 232 25 3 304 350 36O Used with Model 602 Planned Axle 4 2 998 350 TRK Lett 232 258 0 1 350 360 3407 Used Wim E2 1 2 2 Brakes 2 992 539 TRK LLeft Fr nt 232 327 35O WAB DUQ1 Wheels 4 4 1 943 133 ALL Right 23Z 2S8 30d 327 350 360 WAH Except Dual Whee1s 2 943 134 TRK Ri 1 t 232 258 3042 3513 360 Used with Medei GO 2 Ficinqeti Axle 2 998 351 TRK Ri ht1 232 25E 3Q4 35G 3 O 3aO7 Lised With 12 1 S x 2 Brcmee 2 992 560 TRK Ragim Frm 232 327 35 WAB D I Wheels 1 9 13 134 8 UH A WASHER Brake Shoe Adjusting Screw WAS 232 25B 304 327 350 36O A 943 33 TRK 232 258 30f1 350 36G Used With Model 6C 2 Flcrnqed Axie A 998 35A TRK 232 327 350 Used Prior Ta Mode 60 2 1 rigedAx e A 943 37 8 O16 LINK Brake 1soe To Cyiimier Operating ALL 4 1 4 4 4 AR 9 26 310 8 1 20 1 ECCENTFHC Wheei Brake Shine Manual Adiusting ALL 230 8 1 8 M8 347 8 020 2 AT 1 ACH1HG PARTS Eccentric Tc iiiccking Plute A i NUT ALL 2301 B 1 8 M8 348 WASHER Lock ALJ 230 8 1 17 8 3120382 022 I PLATE Broke Shoe Anchor Pin Guide ALL 230 Except Deal Wt er Fe 8 2 zi 920 SEE TEZEK 230 Du IWhnw 5 11 41 30 3 1 ALL 232 327 LAB u 4 990 BH ALI 232 258 304 327 350 360 WAH t A 943 H12 TRK 232 327 35O weed With IB X 2 t 2 Brakes 2 920 333 TRK 232 258 3OA 350 36O used With E2 1 8 x 2 Brakes A 20 311 TRN 232 253 304 350 360 Used With Model 60 2 Ficmgad Axle t t i ll 998 355 8 B22 PIN Brake Shoe Anchor TRX 230 232 32 GSO Used With 12 tc 2 Brakes L 920 33 ERK ZBG 232 32 350 med Witt i 13 x 2 1 2 Brcikes i 2 220 323 8 GZ2 4 ATTACHNG PARYS Anchor Pin To Backing Pima NUT Hexcqcn TRM 230 232 327 35O Used Wsth 2 2 Eir es i 2 920 306 NUT Hexoqcn TRK 230 232 3 35O Used With 13 x 2 1 2 Brakes 2 920 326 WASHER Speckil YNK 230 232 327 350 Usaed With 2 Z Brakes 2 920 304 WASHER Specicr TRK 2313 232 327 350 Used With 3 2 2 Brakes 2 920 3241 WASHER Leak TRK 230 232 32 35O Used Wash 12 X 2 Broken 2 920 305 WASHER Lock WQK 23Q 232 327 350 Used Wash Ki 2 1 2 Brakes 2 920 325 Printed in U S A Gr 8 T 6