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Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972
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8 038 BRAKES WHEELS 8 038 l COVER Erolm Master Cyiinder Filler ALL 23 232 327 LSBSF r l l M7 284 TEK Bail Wire 324327 W5E D l Wheeler l 948 026 ALI Bail Wire 232 258 30 l 350 3 O IWSBS Except Dual Whaezlxs r 4 L l AGES 8293 ALL Cerrror Bczlr WSBS Exoepr 230 L r l 948 060 8 03B 2 GASKET Broke Muster Cylinder Filler Cover ALL 230 232 327 LESS 1 M 285 ALL 732827 350 W5 S 8 5 1 I 939 M2 ALL 232 25E 30d 350 360 W5lE 5 6 I 998 39 TRK 232 327 35O WSB5 i 9418 O2 8 038 3 BOLY Broke Muster Cyfindor Cover ALL 232 327 350 360 WEBB l 939 l3 3 033 5 RETAINER Broke Muster Cylinder Boil Wire ALL 232 327 350 0971 And Prior r l 948 028 ALL 258 3OA 1 0 l M8 8292 8 U42 l SVRING Master Cylinder Check Valve ALL 230 L5B l Bil 646 ALL WSBS E 42pr23G r 2 939 607 8 044 l FISTGN Muster Cylinder Secondary ALL 232 25B 3041 327 350 360 W5ES lE copr moi Wheels 1 943 070 TRK 232 327 360 WSBS Boo Wheels l M8 030 g 8 046 2 SPRING Broke Muster Cylinder Secondary Piston Return A ALL 232 25B 304 327 350 360 WEBB Excapy Duol Wheels 1 939 6lO TRK 232 327 350 W5BS uol Wheels L l 948 03l Sr 046 3 RETMNER Brulw Mosher Cylinder Cup ALL 232 258 30dw327 H50 36O WSB3 Except Duel Wheeisl r l 939 608 TFEK 232 32 QSO iW3F3S Duc l Wheels l WIS 029 8 046 5 RING Muster Cylinder Puslr Rod Snap ALL 23G 232 327 LSIBS l 932 S3 ALL 232 2SB 3D 327 350 36U WSBS Excopr Dual Wheels l 972 And Prior L l 939 GOB ALL 25B 360 l973 l 8122940 TEK 232 327 350 WSBS Fool Wheels L l 948 025 8 l 48 l RE PAIR Kl I Broke Muster Cylinder ALL 230 232 397 LSBS Exaepr bool Wheels l 932 833 ALL 232 258 304 32 350 360 WEBB Excaor Oval Wheels 1972 Arid prior I 943 69 ALL 258 360 O9 3 l Bl 24123 TRK Z3 232 327 LSBS Duol Wheels L i 934 l23 TRK 232 32 35 WSBS Doo Wheels I 948 02G 8 050 BOLT Brcluz Mower Cylinder Pisron Simp ALL 2324258 30 327 350 36O WSB5 Ei er r Doc Whools l9 2 And Prior l 9341 348 ALL 258 3bO 1973 3 M8 5454 TRK 232 327 350 WSBS Dual Wheel rr l 948 032 Printed in LLSLA Gr 8 T 8