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Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972
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8 635 BRAKES WHEELS 8 6353 TUBE Master CyIi der To Br I e Buoster ALI 230 LESS IG 5 I Long I 935 7II ALI 23 L232 327 35I3 LSBSI 8 3 4 Long 4 I 932 753 8 635 Z TUBE Broke Booster To Tee WAG 230 232 327 LSB5 20 Lcnq I o I 932 752 TRX 230 1232 327 350 LSBSI 20 7 I6 Long I 933 GM 8 635 3 YUBE Master Cylinder To Tee WAG 230 8 I5k IB I A Long 4 I 933 IIS WAG 230 B I6 I5 I I6 Loma v I 937 378 TRK 230 8 I5 I5 I5 K2 Loma I 933 3I TRX 23CJ 8 IGI II5 29 B2 Lcvnq I 937 379 WAG 232 327 I2S I I 32 Lew 4 v I IMI 345 I RI 232 327 ILSBE I6 9 I6 Loma 4 I o I 7AI 346 ALL Fmnr 232 25S 304 327 350 360 WEBB 9 8 Lone I 9flE 932 WM From 232 327 WSBSI B I I6 Long I I 942 OI2 W NG Fr rsi 258 3O4I 36O I 948 WSI WAS From 258 3 5wO I973 I 535 I289 TRK Vrom 232 327 350 Cool Wheels WSBS I4 Long I 94E 752 TFQK Fr ntEZ2S 3 3 O I973 I 535I29I ALI Rear 232 30 E 327 350 36O WSBSI I I L3 A Lmnq I I 9418 689 TRK Rear 232 327 BSO Dwnl WI e 2 s N EiS I B 2 I nq I 136 75d TRX Raor 258 I QAGAIU WAG Rc0r 258 36O I 73 I 535 I 8S TRX FQe r 25S 3 O W73 I S35 I2 G WAS Rear 3O4 3 O I I I 948688 B 635 4 TUBE Mower Cylinder To Union WAC Rear 23 327 IWSESSI 9 I 9 32 Long A I 942 029 3 635 5 TUBE M sIe1 CvIin Ier To Wnminq V Ive WAG From 232 25B 30 t 327 350 3 G WEBB I 946 ZII I WAG Rear 232 25B 327 3SO WSB3 I I I 9416 AO9 Printed in LSA G1 B T 36