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Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972
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AXLE PRGPELLER SHAFTS GROUP 9 SPECIAL INFORMATEON Tivo Engine Build Coda Number the Vuhichs Identlficuricm Number and the inicrmction pwvidod cn he Trim Plato GN cfran nacnsscry when determining the proper rephcsmnni parts for your v hi I For th Ir c 1i vv rchr 10 The Gtrwml infcrmctinn Scctlcn found ct the from of ihis cufglcg NOTES 9 I U ix typdas of Front Prcpalhr Shafts were uacd Tyws may be idcnilfiad by refering in the fcllcwing illustrciionsz rr r i iiiiiiiiiiiiii ii V r i 0 rrrrrr i Lgygm Q WWWMW i ii QM men mea H as r r M4 2 x i 4 J r ill xr rz itil KI Br pn r Nu v 5 ii nii Esau L mww LE uw ww wwwwwww M Ww i J mz T mu Q gs Q 1 19 I SM1 ii I WY i E ad Ezra as i L tt umra M W W W rrr r 4 L mum 1 mm m me n 9 2 Six vypas of Rear Propcller Sham wave used Types may hn iduntifiod by refering ia the following lllusurcitans E tl ir x gg mum mres i Lgxsw m rrrr www WWWW TYPES r M iiiiiiiiiiiiii E F i Q i l1 I ii 4 x mm im rrrrr mmm 4 nm nm E 9 W 1 Lamm WM W Wrrr Wrr i W ggm mw J NPH hiss Printed in u s A Gr 9 I