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Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972
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AXLE PRGPELLER swim GROUP 9 NOTES lg 9 3 1 Used on Axle Assembfiesz 940 256 940 568 740 569 940 570 and 741 827 1 9 4 Used on Axle Assemblies 940 257 94 0 588 940 589 947 546 und 947 813 9 5 Shim Sei consists ol 2 Shim 003 thick 2 Shim D05 thick 3 Shines 0lO thick and 3 Shim 030 thick 9 6 Shim Sei consists el 2 Shim 004 Ihick 2 Shim 006 thick and Z h1m 4008 lhick 9 J Used cn Frou Axle Assemblies A 923 202 933 367 947 549 994 551 930 761 940 427 947 550 994 625 931 272 940 428 947 811 994 626 931 275 947 548 992 007 9 8 Used on Front Axle Assembiiese 998 560 998 563 998 566 998 569 998 561 998 564 998 567 998 570 998 562 998 565 998 568 998 571 9 9 Used with Axles 998 560 thru 998 71 cred 535 1149 535 1151 cncl 53S 1154 9 10 Used except Axles 998 S60 Ihru 998 571 and S35 1149 S35 1151 and 535 1154 9 ll Used prior ro rhe Following Serial Numbers MODEL SERM1 NO MODEL SERIAL N0 MGDEL SERIAL NO 2406A 16425 2406F 13442 3406E 11984 9 12 Used beginning with the iollewing Serial Numhers MODEL SERIAL H0 MODEL SERIAL NO MODEL SERIAL H0 2406A 16425 24061 13442 34065 11984 i 9 13 Used beginning with the following Serial Numbers MODEL SERIAL N0 MODEL SERIAL ND MOBEL SERIAL NO 1412 10621 1413 10039 1414C 11148 1412C 10144 1414 12658 9 14 Used beginning with the fcellewing Serlel Numbers i MODEL SERUXI NO MODEL SERIAL NO MODEL SERIAL ND 1412 10621 1413 10039 1414C 11148 1412C 10144 1414 12658 and used prior to the following Sariul Numbers MODEL SERSAL NO MODEL SERiAL NO MODEL SERIAL NO 1412 10996 1413 10079 1414C 12381 1412C 10228 1414 14646 9 15 Used beginning with the allowing Serical Numbers MODEL SERIAL N0 MODEL SERIAL NO MODEL SERIAL NO 1412 10995 1413 10078 1414C 12380 1412C 10227 1414 14645 9 16 Used with Cast Axle End und IS Belts used in Cenfer Cres Shah 9 17 Used with Fergecl Axle End and 4 Solis cased in Center Crass Shah 9 18 Used prior to the felicwing 8er c1l Numbers MODEL SERIAL N0 MOUEL SERIAL N0 MODEL SERIAL NO 1412 A 10622 1413 10040 14l C 11149 141212 10145 1414 12659 Printed In U S A Cir 9 2