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Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972
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AXLE PROPELLER SHAFTS GROUP 9 E NOTES J 1 9 19 Used beginning with the o1l wIng Serial Numbers MODE SERIAL 1 10 MODEL SER1AL NO MODEL SERIAL N0 1412 10622 1413 10040 1414C 11149 1412C 10145 1414 12659 vnd used prior to the allowing Serial Numbers MODEL SERIAL NO MODEL SERIA1 NO MODEL SERIAL NO 1412 10996 1413 10079 1414C 12381 1412C 10228 1414 16646 9 20 Used beginning with the allowing Serial Numbers MODEL SERIAL NO MODEL SERIAL NO MODEL SERIAL NO 1412 10996 1413 10079 1414C 12381 1412C 10223 1414 14646 9 21 Used cm Vehicles beginning with the following Serial Numbers MODEL SERIAL ND MODEL SERIAL NO MODEL SERIAL NG 1412 11727 1413 10318 1414C x 16790 1412C 10359 1414 26740 9 22 Used cn Vehizles prior to the lnllcwing Ser u1 Numbers MODEL SERSA1 ND MODEL SERQAL NO MODEL SERIAL NO 2306A 10004 2406F 10001 3406E 10001 2406A 12647 9 23 Used on Vehicles prior 10 the icilewing Serial Numbers MODEL SERIAL NO MODEL SERIAL NO MODEL SER1AL NO 2306A 10004 2406F L 10001 34065 10001 2406A 12657 9 24 Used en Vehicles prior to the lcllowing Serial Numbers MODEL SERIAL NO MODEL SEREAL NO MDOEI SERIAL NO g 2306A 10386 2406A 14663 2406E 12060 L 9 25 Axles cm Vehicles with OVW F E und A are built with Mode 44 1 Centers and Model 53 Ends 9 26 Used on Vehi 1es beginning with the oII wing Serial Numbers MODEL SERIAL NGA MODEL SERIAL ND MODEL SERIAL N0 230616 10386 2406A 14663 2306F 11120 2406F 12060 9 27 Axles on Vehicles with 120WE GVW A me bui1t with Made 441 1 Centers and Model 53 Ends 9 27 Used on Vehicles heaving M de1 S3 Centers and Mcdel 53 Ends 9 28 Used rm Vehicles beginning with the following Serial Numbers MODEL SERIAL NO MODEL SERIAL NO MODEL SERIAL NO 2306A 10529 23061 11168 24068 13277 23060 10161 2406A 15635 2406F 12847 9 29 Used an Vekicies prior fo the following Serial Numbers with Finicm Angle mise of 6 degrees FOR REAR AXLE ASSEMBLY 917 955 MODEL SERIAL NO MODEL SERIAL NO MODEL SERIAL NO 24062 Six 200005 33062 Six 200004 34062 Six I A 200075 24062 V8 100006 33062 V8 100007 34062 V3 e 100071 FOR REAR AXLE ASSEMBLY 941 284 MODEL SERIAL NCI MODEL SERIAL NO MODEL SER1AL NG 23061 1 Six 200059 2406 Yl V8 100942 3306W IV81 100032 2306W V8 100026 3306W Six 200039 3406W V8 100904 FOR REAR AXLE ASSEMBLY 941 285 MODEL SERIAL NCL MODEL 5ER AL N0 MODEL SERIAL NO 230619 Six 200060 24061 1 V8 100956 3406W Six 200673 2306W V8 100027 3306W Six 200039 3406W V0 100909 240611 Six 201301 3306W V8 100032 Printed in U A Gr 9 3