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Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972
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AXLE PRGPELLER SHAFTS GROUP 9 NOTES 9 53 Used on Axle Assemblies 992 668 994 192 994 454 994 458 992 669 994 l93 994 455 994 45 9 992 670 994 W4 994 456 994 486 992 671 994 452 994 457 994 637 994 T9 994 453 9 54 Used on Axle Assemblies 535 0504 535 0506 S35 0508 535 l39 l 535 0505 535 0507 535 0509 535 H9 535 l394 535 l39 S35 l396 535 l393 9 55 Used on Axle Assemblies 535 0500 535 050 535 0502 535 0503 S35 l362 and 535 T450 9 56 Used on Axle Assemblies 994 447 994 448 994 449 994 646 535 0B l0 und 535 08ll 9 57 Used on Axle Assemblies 992 240 994 628 994 634 994 635 535 0008 und S35 OBW 9 58 Axles with Bracket for Brake Valve Tee me meunted on Cover 9 59 Axles less Bracket for Brake Valve Tee ere mounted en Cover 9 60 Pinion has 26 Teeth on Spline t cke End amd is stumped with Vendor Number l8436 9 bl Pinion has I0 Teeth on Spline at Yetse End und is stamped with Vendor Number 32l7l 9 62 Plninn has 26 Teeth on Spline at Yoke End und is stamped with Vendor Number 32073 9 63 Pinion has I0 Teeth on Spline ot Yoke End vnd is stumped with Vendor Number l85l9 9 64 Pinion hes 26 Teeth on Spline at Yoke End and is stamped wlth Vendor Number 32359 9 65 Pinion has l0 Teeth on Spline ct Yoke End and is stamped with Vendor Number i8449 9 66 Pinion has 26 Teeth cm Spline et Yoke End end is stamped with Vander Numivet 3l483 9 67 Pinion has l0 Tooth on Spline at Yoke End end ls stumped with Vendor Number W444 9 68 Pinion has 26 Teeth on Spline ct Yoke End end is stumped with Vendor Number 32367 9 69 Pinion has l0 Teeth en Spline at Yoke End and is stamped with Vendor Number l8 24 9 70 Used nn Axle Assemblies 9l7 955 9 l9 494 9l9 495 nd 919 496 9 71 Used en Axle Assemblies 94 65 94l 566 94 I 567 ond 94l 568 9 72 When installing this Kit use Drive Shaft Spacer Port Number 649 356 9 73 Used with Axle Tug Numbers 998 60 998 563 998 566 998 569 998 56I 998 564 998 567 998 57 998 562 998 565 9 74 Used with Axle Tug Numbers 998 68 and 998 70 9 75 Used except Axle Tag Numbers 998 560 thru 998 70 9 76 Used wlth Axle Tug Numbers S35 0808 and 535 0809 Printed in B A Gr 9 7