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Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972
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HOOD FENOERS BUNIPERS GROUP 12 SPECIAL 1NFORi IATION The Engine Build Code Number the Vehicle Identification Number and the information provided on 1 l Trim Platt cre often necessary when determining the proper replacement ports for your vehicle For their locction refer to the Genera information Section iouhd or the front of Yhis catalog NOTES 12 1 On V8 327 used prim tu Serial Humber l0O00l on Six 232 used prior te Sevici Number 20000 2 2 Cm V3 327 used beginning with Serial Number l00O0l on 5ix 232 usc beginning Wlth Serial Number 2000 ll I2 3 Used prior to March l966 12 4 uma beqamang much t966 l2 5 Refer to illustration Type l l2 6 Reier to lilustrotion fype 2 Ab n 4 V Q Ars l 4 TYPE l TYPE 2 l2 7 Use cm Velaieles with Wcgcneer Name Plate 2 8 Used an Vehicles without Wugcneer Name Plum E Printed in LSA Gr 12 l