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Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972
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HEATER AIR CONDITIONING GROUP I3 SPECIAL INFORMATION 5 The Engine Build Code Number the Vehicle Identification Number and the iniormoficnn provided on the Trim Pirate we often necessary when determining rise proper replacement paris for your vehicle For xhnir location refer io fha General Information Section found ot the front of this coming NOTES l3 i Evapororor Assembly is mounted in Glove Box Opening in lnsirumeni nel l3 2 i Evoporotur Assembly is mounted under the instrument Pane i3 3 Used prior io Serial No HUGO 13 4 mea beginning wavk Serioi an 11000 I3 5 Clutch Is of Electro Lock manufacture with Unpoinred Metal Finish l3 6 Clutch is oi Warner Electric manufacture with Pnlntecl Block Finish 3 7 Equipped with a Saginaw Power Steering Pump ihat has lobe shaped Reservoir mounted in back of the Pump ond has o Filler Cop and Gauge i3 8 Equipped wif a Enron Power Steering Pump that has an round shaped Reservoir mounte on top of the Pump ond has o Reservoir Cover fhaf is 4 Vi in diameter 13 9 Hemer Mem has single Rm mee rm smh l3 I0 Heater Motor hos double Hot area on Shuir Printed in U S A Gr l3 l