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Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972
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I3 Q55 HEATER AIR CONIJITIONING I3 iS0 3 ATTACHING PARTS Condenser Core To Radiator Svpport 8rocI et SCREW i io Jgmri A AI i 232 258 30 I 36G I97I I I7r 4 G94I7826 134 455 i RECEIVER Air Conditioning ALI 239 58 30 i 3 I YI I A I SEYZGEIYOE I3 45 2 ATTACHING PARTS Rocoiver To Bracket SCREIV Hexcsgwrw I I 732 253 BU 360 I97I I I7 Z 3941I I387 I3 455 3 BRACKET Rcc ivcr Ciump LL 232 25B 30 3 5 O I I97I I I 5E2087U24 I3 455 4 SEAL Receiver Brockots Top And Bottom AL 23 258 30 I 36O i97I 2 98I 5 I3 13 465 I EVAPORATDR ASSEMBLY Air Conditioning Iinci Evnporctor Core Blower Controis And Tube WAS I972 And Fjrior IBA I SIEQOIB 7068 AI Le 232 CI27 35 I972 And Pric r I3 2 A I 55208 70341 AL L 2258 304 360 I972 And i ri r I3 2 r I I SEEQUB 732i I3 470 I VALVE Air Conditioning Expansion WAC I972 And Prior IBA I SEZOB 7090 ALL I972 And tiwor I3 2 Anci I3 3I I I SEQOB 7 M9 ALI I972 And Prior I3 2 And I3 AI I 208 7282 ALL i I SEQOS 7282 I3 47S I CORE Air Ccindirionino Evoporqiox WAQ6 I972 And Prior I3 I i r I 5208 7089 ALI I972 And Prior I3 2 Arrd I3 3I i I SEQOS 70 IB AI I I972 And Prior I3 2 Amd I3 4t I I I i r I SEZOS 7285 I Le i r I SI2 BOIQ I3 47S 2 BRACKET Air Conditioning Evoporoior Core To Lower Housing i Z Fastener AI L I972 And Prior E I3 2 2 Lorrq r I SIZZO8 7060 ALI 1972 And Prior I3 2I B I 2 Loma r I SEZOS 706I AI L IQ72 And I rior I3 2I I4 Lorir r I BE208 7062 AI I972 And Pric1vI I3 2 I5 3 4 I ng I H i I 552 7063 i3r47S 3 INSULATION Air Conditioning Evaporotor Core AI I973 r i I 812 3OI8 13 477 I IHERMOSTAT Air Conditioning Ternoemtorc Contra woo I3 Ii r ISHQU8 7083 ALL I I3 2I r I SE208 7047 I3 477 2 KNOB Air Conditioning Ternporatvro Contxoi Thormortot WAG I3 II N ISEZOB 7087 ALI I I3 2 I ISIEQO8 7050 I3 4 I7 3 HARNESS Air Conditioning Wire Thermostat An Biowor Switch To Connector WN I I3 II i ISIEZOS 7 GBZI ALI I I3 2 ISEYOEI VWI6 Q Printed in U S A Gr I3 T I4