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Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972
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CHASSIS MISCELLANEOUS GROUP I4 SPECIAL INFORMATION is The Engine Eiuilcl Code Number tha Vehide dantificoti m Number und lhs information providcd on the Trim Plain are often necessary when determining vhe proper rcplccaamenf ports for your vehicle For their Iocmicn whr to the Senna Information Secrion found or the from of this rwtolcg NOTES T4 Used prior to Sericnl No 20000 with 232 Engines cmd YOOOOI with 327 Engiuws X4 2 4 Used beginning whh Serial Nc 2000OIwi h 232 Enginns and IOGGO wirh 327 Engines sp i Prinlad in LLSA Gr I4 I