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Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972
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AUTONIATEC TRANSMISSION GROUP 16 SPECIAL INFORMATION i The Engine Build Code Number the Vehicle ldenlifiwtion Number and the information provided an tha Trim Plnle are oftcn nccassury when determining the proper repiacsmemt ports lcr ycrur vehicle For iheir focuticm rclcr to the Gcncrvl lnlormclion Section found ui the mnt nl this cctclcg NOTES 16 l Used prior to inc following Serial Numtzcrs MODEL SERIAL N0 MODEL SERIAL NG MODEL SERIAL N0 1412 116 72 2406A 16125 3406A 14152 1412C 10354 2406B 13610 340 C 11724 1413 10303 24060 10044 34060 10325 1414 25809 2406F 13280 3406E 11876 1414C 16551 16 2 Usad beginning with the lcllcwing Sariul Numbers MODEL SERIAL NO MODEL SERIAL NO MODEL SERIAL NO 1412 1169 2 240 A 16125 340613 14152 1412C 10354 24068 13610 340612 11724 1413 10303 24060 I 10044 34061 10325 1414 25809 2406F 13280 34065 11876 1414C 1 16551 16 3 1 On 230 Engine use other Engine Sariul Nc AD 60 C 14717 N Printed in U S A Gr 16 l