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Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972
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WINDSHNELD WIPER COWL VENT INST PANEL GROUP 22 SPECIAL INHJRMATION if The Engine Build Code Number the Vehicle ldenriiiccticn Number and aha information provided on flue Trim Plate are often necessary when determining rlw proper replncemeni parts fa your vebiele For theirlcccuian refer ta the General lnformaiion Serzrian found ui the from of this ccmlog NOTES 22 l Used prior ra Serial No 200001 with 232 Engines nd Serial Nc lOO00l with 327 Engines 22 2 Used beginning with Serial No 2000Ol wiih 232 Engines and Serial Nc IOOUOI with 327 Engines 22 3 Wire Harness has 2 Bulls Terminals to attach 7G Washer Nlnwr 22 4 Wire Harness has u doable iemule receprucis io attack io Washer Mawr if Printed in U A Gr 22 l