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Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972
PrevPrevious Page - Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972Next Page - Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972Next
22 O20 WWKJSHIELD WIPER COWL VENTILATGR INSTRUMENT PANEL 22 020 B ATTACHING PARTS Control Cubic To Dash Pune SCREW Topping ALL 10 32 5 8 A 2 975 954 SCREW Toooiosg ALL 10 24 1 Z 1 772 And Prior 2 964 927 5CQ1EWr T o1 io 1 ALL 1 4 2 v 1 2 1 17 1 1919135 RN NUT ALL 2 972 Q67 Z2 020 9 ATTACHING PARTS Contrcd Cobfe To insreumeni Pune CL1P Closed ALL 17 3 120520 22 027 1 MOTOR Win siriei Wiper ALL io 1 So odl 1972 Arid Prior 1 961 105 ALL Two ooo 1968 Arid Prior 1 760 1 ALE TwoSoeoci 19 9 1 79 397 22 027 2 ATTACHING PARTS Motor To Dosh Ponei SCREW I1 1ochin a ALL 4 17 3 6272523 22 027 3 BRACKET Wimishieid Wiper Motor Mounting ALL 1 959 757 22 027 1 SEAL Wincisiriei Wiper Motor Mounting ALL 1 961108 22 031 1 DRIVE GEAR K1T Win skie1d Wiper Motor A1 L 1 Q1 d1 1972 Arid Prior 1 9 11 915 ALL T wa cr c1 1 941 916 22 033 I CRANK Eioctric Windshiei Wiper Motor Drive ALL 1 812 824 22 033 2 ATTACFHNG PARTS Eiectric Windshield Wiper Motor Drive Crank To Motor NUT 1 1o 1 1 17 1 9M3553 22 033 1 CONTROL Win sixiolri Wiper ALL 3i o1 goood 197 A d Pwr 1 96 1 112 M L RHD Yiwie 96 7973 1 961 112 ALL 1 wo5pood1 1 959 282 ZZ 038 2 A I FA H NG PARTS Contn 1 To Ponci Single Speed NUT 1ze c go ALL 1 959 78 Z2 U33 3 PLUNGER Windsirieid Wiper And Wosirer Two Speed ALL rr 1 959 9S ZZ 038 4 BEZEL Win shioid Wiper Control AL 1972 And Prior 957 25U ALL 1973 1 987 911 22 038 5 HARNESS Wincisitieici Wiper And Washer Motor Two Speed ALL 1972 Arid Prior 328 1 937 530 ALL 1772 Ami Fi 9 11 1 991 854 5 Printed in 1 S A Gr 22 T Z