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Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972
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DOORS HARDWARE gRg1 p 23 SPECIAL INFORMATION 5 The Engine Build Code Numizer ihe Vehicle ldeniiiicaricm Number und the information provided on hq Trim PIM W chem necessary when determining the proper repiucomant ports or your vehicle For Their location refer to ihn General Information Section found or rho iron of this otol g NOTES 23 l HM Used with Jeep Type Door Lacks See Type I iiluestrciion 23 2 Used with American Motors Type Door Locks Soo Type 2 iliusrroiioni ff I f I i 1 ciI 2 M I ZT oI I g o3 e j yew M t r n I i 2 L in e M Q a 22 ir x I Z t Z E NOTQQ rr wx E m s IM T in I I I EI L I cJI c WJ X is TYPE l TYPE 2 23 3 HI KH includes 2 Bumpers and Brackets 4 Bolts 4 Lockwushors 2 Caps 4 Screws 4 Nut and Lockwushars 2 Gcsksis and A hims 23 A Used with Pointed Gloss in iowor front section 23 5 Used wifh Curved Gloss in lower from section 23 6 Those Kits ore for Vehicles built with the older typo Door Wcothorsecls and nre io bu Installed without removing the original Door Seals 23 7 Key operated Switch hos 4 Wires 23 8 Key operated Switch hos 3 Wires i Printed in U S A Er 23 I