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Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972
PrevPrevious Page - Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972Next Page - Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972Next
23 074 DOORS HARDWARE gn 23 057 2 ATTACHING PARTS Bellcrunlx And Link To Roar Door Remote Control SQTFQEW Moclwioo WAC W 4 327ll I3 23 057 3 ROD Bellcrunla To Rear Door Lock Pu sh Knob WAG 5 Lew U 2 957 SO 23 057 4 ROD Beilcronk To Rear Door Lutch WAG 6o 18 Leos 2 957 297 Z3 058 l HANDLE Remote Control Front And Rear Door ALL Ar hmg Sccrcrw r O4 a Qrr The Bose E The Mob AR 956 352 ALL Arrarzlwimg Screw Locared On The Farce fT1w l ub Visible AR 972 94 23 O58 2 ATTACHING PARTS Remove Control Handle To Control Fwnf And Rcor SCREW Bar ALL Om Base cr Hob Ai 962 360 SCREW 5c ol e v Fiend ALL Orr Voce or Huh AQ 9 73 449 23 058 3 WABHER Remote Control Handle From And Rear Door ALL UsedWi l 0 i rd l ri AR 956 3 19 ALL Been Wiro Deluxe Trim AR 987 527 23 W4 1 HANDLE Front Door Outside Complete ALL hel r UO l 6 855 ALL 9 3 ll l 936 856 23 074 2 ATTACHTNG PARTS From Door Outside Handle To Door rr O SCREW telirxugcrrr ALL r A 9813 80 23 074 3 HANDLE Roar Door Outside Complelel WAG Lew r Ponce e v A N6 I 9543 8i S WAC Y i h 3 E Peoel l v v Q N6 l 956 856 WAG Woe Delivery K 956 359 23 074 4 ATTACHING PARTS Rect Door Ouiside Honclle To Doo SCREW l x q rr 4 WAG Except Panel Belivery fl 93E 780 SCREW Machine WAC Wznel Dolivefv ly l 5455252 NUT Hexoraoo r WAS Ferre Delivery T7 I G2 1l6 5 WASHER Plain WAC Pane vli mry W 3 Gl2 39 23 074 5 HANDLE Rear Door lnner WAG F e Delrvory T 956 374 23 074 6 ATTACHING PARTS Rear Door Inner Handle To Door Latch Acnmtor scimiw mon wood wm mm Delivery r 960 2lQ 23 074 7 GASKET Front Door Outside Hoodie ALL L l r Hell r r l 960 393 ALL Rioh From l ll l 960 394 ALL L Fr Hacrricll l l 0 BB A L Qaq m rmr z 1 F I 960 388 T Printed in U S A Gr 23 T ll