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Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972
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23 M5 DOORS BARDWARE if 23 U6 WEATHERSTRW Prorxf Doc Ventiiaior ALL t r 23 1 4 A I 5 3 7 867 ALL E o s 23 5 V 4A 1 987 925 s rr RioEx 23 4 A 3 wz 866 ALL Ri E r 23 5 I 987 926 23 ii i PIVOT KIT Front Door Vonriioior Window Upper ALL Lo Moio 60 i Ci Y 95 ALL i e ir E e moio 58 i 91 2 655 ALL iiiioiovhzioio oil 4 W 977 952 ALL Qrg r1 Formlo 58 W 972 56 23 I2 3 HANDLE KiT From Door Vensiicior Lock ALL Lofi K 59 i Vaio 483 ALL iQiQ 59 T Poo 484 23 i25 E CHANNEL Front Door Division Incl Vent Window Frome ALL mir Sroiniosz Smoi i 965 Wi AIA i oi F vi o6 4 i i 965 993 ALL Ri w Sr ir e Simi v i 965 992 ALI i i9 F ir w i A i 65 2 23 i25 2 BRACKEI Front Door Division Bar To Door Ponoi Lower xw P YW 23 25 3 ATTACHSNG PARTS Front Door Division Sor To Pane gs SCFQEW fvivciwse K AL i i W 4 M54542 W 23 i26 FRAME Roar Door Stoiionorv Gioss loci Yromo Gioss And Division Bo vvm mfr C ecra W 757 B25 WM iY 7 ir w r i 963 WMS F ia v i K F 927 826 WAG Q o f Tir i i i 963 S3 23 iz 2 AY YJ HiNG PARTS Roar Door Stu ionary Frome scosw r i g w Door Frome i 7 ri wil 800 SCREW Tww f L W G i Door r r 9536 6 SCREW M r i WAS No Division Bw K W 2 G fi iri Z3 U6 3 BRACKET Rear Door Division Bur To Door Ponzi Lower WMS r 2 9 7 F5 Z3 i26 4 ATTACHING PARTS Rec Door Division Bur To Ponei SCWEW Mochiw WAS i i W fi Gdi5 L3 23 i6S i CHANNEL Roor Door Siotionury Sims WAS r r i 966 boi WAG E2i hv s I Q m 562 23 6S 2 BRACKET Rear Door Division Bo To Door Ponoi Lowe wm r r 23 wo 7 957 757 Dii Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii D iiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiii Gr 23 i 15