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Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972
PrevPrevious Page - Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972Next Page - Illustration Supplement F-77073 September 1972Next
3l 12O PICKUP BOX AND STAKE BODY 3L l20 1 LOCK Tailgate Hall TRK Lei 1 sae 1972 And Prior 1 959 209 TRK Lelrl Tlwrifrside 1 651 597 TRK Rich Townside 1 72 Amd Prior 1 959 210 We R e1 T Fwi 1e A l 1 4551 598 31 120 2 ATTACHING PARTS Lack To Tailgaie FQNET TRN Tlwrifrside 4 17 4 3104250 SCREW Maehme 4 TRK Tewmslde W7 And War 1 A 961 076 31 125 1 LOCK Rear Pos Hall 1 RK 1 1wnsi 3c l972 Amd F 2 1 K 4 2 959 231 TRK 1 em Tlvrillsidc x 1 651 5 2i TFEK Raqhv Tmvfmae 1 1 1 651 592 31 125 2 AT l ACI lll G PARTS Lack To Rem Past RWET TRK Thrillside 17 4 1082 BOLT aeoemean TRK Townside 1972 And Prior 2 959 211 NUT Jom TRK 1 w a1 1a 1972 And Prior 2 961 075 3 126 1 HANDLE ASSEMBLY Tailaaie Latcla Release TRK 1 ownside 1973 1 363 11 32 31126 2 ATTACHING PARTS Handle Ta Mauminu Flute SCREW n lemgam TRK Tewnsida E973 2 989 963 3l l26 3 HANDLE Tailaata Lalch Release Less Sprinq Pill Bumper And Basel i TRK Tc w sde 1v73 1 1 1 3631164 1 3l l26 4 ATTACHING PARTS Tailaalc Latch Release Handle To Base PAN Sprmg TRK Tawnuida 1973 17 1 455313 31 l26 5 BASE Taileale Latch Release Handle 1 Fer 1 aw e1c1ei19 3 1 3c 3 1936 3l l26 6 SPRING Tailaaie Lqicln Release Handle Retna TRK 1 wn idc 1973 1 363 1218 3l l26 7 BUMPER Tailqale Lalch Release Handle ln Basel TRK Ta sadc 1973 U 1 400 3110 31128 1 PLATE Tuilaate Latch Handle Maunlinq TRK Tawlmde 1973 1 1 1 A 1 545 0001 3l 28 2 ATTACHING PARTS Plane Ta Tailaave SCREW Machine TRK 1 awasade 19731 M A SGS 1283 l u 1 Fee r a er TRN Tcwmssde 1 773 1 9 2 639 3l l29 l BELLCRANK Tcxilaate Latch Achmtinc 1 RK Yawmssicle 19731 a v 1 989 216 i Printed in U S A L Gr 31 T 6