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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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A 4 GENERAL NF IIMATION VENl0LE IDENTIFICATION VI VEIIIIJLE IDENTIFICATION special Sala II qu aI and Order SSII 0 Ilumhar wud ldmlm Ilvn PIN Certain Jeep vehicles are built to special order with A metal vehicle identification plate is affixed tu the gzgigrthgln igiifgd pgfegi e l l i nr50 aix tg left hand side of the firewall under the hood fig A 6 SSR O number is gssigned and gpermanengrewgd of The plate shows the Sales Order Number the Vehicle the deviation is maintained by the factory The Id f N b VIN Sp l S R ssm 0 number is embossed eb use vebaene iuemm Order SSR O Number Paint Option Number Trim cation Plate as Shown in figure A 6 Ot Nb dthJ MdlNb D mn um er an Q agp 0 B um er Parts ordering procedure for SSR 0 parts is detailed in the Jeep Parts Catalog IEEP CORPORATION Vahinla I1I nIIIIcaIIun Ilumhar VIII O TOLEO0 OHIO USA O All VIN numbers contain 13 characters a combina sales Dm MB SSR S O No tionof letters and numbers that provide specific infor mation about the vehicle VIN s for all Jeep vehicles E I op Zli Nb o liiil Ns can be decoded using the VIN Decoding Chart M m Painl 0p1Inn Number I m m w y U my The Paint Option Number is embossed on the 6 5 Vehicle Identification Plate in the location shown in Fig Hi V hIcI Idcntlllcatlun Plata figure A 6 VIN Ilacudlng Chart m Gros V hicI W igh1 Rating GVW Mod I Built By A 375U 83 93 e 1 p A Auto E 4150 83 93 HD Corpoutian F 3 Speed M 6025 I4 15 16 17 25 45 M 4 S eed N 6500 46 R 7200 46 X 8000 46 Six Digit 1976 Z1 2L1 HZI J 6 A 15 M N 000001 WB 14 Wagoneer 4 Door Siauon wagon 109 I5 Wagoneer Custom 4 D or Station wagon IO9 A 258 CIDISNV LV 16 Cherokee 2 Deor station wagon 109 E 232 UDV SIX V Urchemkee S Cus1om 2 Door Stauon Wagon 109 H 304 CID V 8 2 V 25 Truck J ID 119 N 360 CID V B 2 V 45 Tru1 It J IU ICII P 36O CID V 8 4 V 4S Truck J 20 131 Z 40I CID V 8 4 V 83 CJ 5 B3 93 CJ 7 93 60535