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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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VI GENERAL INFDRMATIIJII VEIIIGLE IDEIITIFICATIDII A 5 Paint is not available from the factory All colors The sticker is placed on the instrument panel on shown below arc available from Ditzler or duPont CJ 5 and CJ 7 models On Cherokee Wagoneer and paint jobbers by requesting the paint intermix for Truck models it is on the door lock pillar on the mula Option No 999 indicates special paint To obtain driver s side information on special paint contact your Jeep Parts Distribution Center and provide the Vehicle Identifi cation Number VIN KEYS Mm LUEKS PBlIllU Ill0II llllllllllfs Two square headed and two oval heeded keys are V provided as applicable with each vehicle The square gxzn headed code D key operates the ignition switch front N Cm N door locks and Wagoneer and Cherokee tailgates The 6 O Pi CI BI oval headed code E key operates the glove box lock G Rmggade my asm uk Each key has a code number stamped on the knock G7 A W SD sam Ta out plug In the event a key is lost a new key can be G9 Mmm me M 3 5 F i k M made by converting the key code number tb e key bitt H2 H G M a BR E B ing number Key bitting numbers can be obtained H4 oarlr ceeee merellle or Nebneel sine rvlerelbr from 3 key Cutting machine manufacturefs cr0Bs J G a SV S reference list or by contacting your Zone office sim Only mer Only If a key is lost and the key code number is un FA T W F G known the correct number can be identified by the FB O 9 mb Zone office from the vehicle identification number l Federal Grey Boggs If the ignition key is lost and the key code num ber is not available a new key can be made by removing a door lock and taking it to al locksmith for T ll c l Models renibye ignition ewitebl The lbelnernitb een determine the key bitting by inserting a blank key The Trim Optivn Number is embossed on the into the lock cylinder and cutting the blank to match Vehicle Identification Plate as shown in figure A 6 the tumbler Consult your Jeep Parts Catalogs for trim ordering procedure Special trim is indicated by trim option If a glove box key is lost the lock cylinder can be number 999 To obtain information on special trim removed and the tumblers rearranged to match the ig contact your National Parts Distribution Center and nition key Refer to the procedures outlined in Section provide the Vehicle Identification Number VIN 14 of this manual for installing new tumblers If the ignition switch look is defective and the sgml mnlnuuun sucker key is available the cylinder and individual tumblers can be ordered and matched to the existing key To Placed 0 all vehicles tv Sl 0W that they meet determine the tumbler arrangement place the key federal motor vehicle safety certification standards It over the template fig A 8 Starting from the left lists the VIN month and Y built Gres Vehwle read across the horizontal lines and reoord first digit W9lgl i Rating lGVWR 31 ld G 0 Axle Welgllt Rai number 1 position of the key code Continue this pro ing GAWR cess for subsequent numbers 2 through 5 WD BV Jeep Corporation P i l DATE GVWR l l l l l GAWR lRl REAR l i l f l ilS vwlrlk LUNIUWMS IU All RPPHEABLL ltlmnl Mullin vtllllzll xm l iv bllnullllls ln l llL w wr wl ul MANUIRDIURE sliuwn ABM Jeep T 1 2 3 A 5 l 1 rev CODES Fl A 1 Salaiy Sllulur Flg A ll Key Dnlllng T mlll l