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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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STANDARD TDRQIJE SFECIFICATIDNS AND EAPSCREW TURX HEAD FASTENERS MARKINGS Torque specifications will be found at the end of Various sizes of internal and external hex lobular each l C whe approprlam All crmcill t q Torx head fasteners are used as attaching hardware specifications are listed Where no torque reference is on numerous components and assemblies in the 1976 gn en refer to the chart below Standard Torque mod l Jee vehicles Due to the ever changing usage Specifications and Capscrew Markings Note that tor 6 p que specifications given in the chart are based on use and appllcamn ef i l l f s T h 8 d df clean and dry thread Reduce tdrque by 10 percent fasteners may not be identified as such throughout the when threads are lubricated with engine oil and by 20 text However these fasteners may be removed and percent if new plated capscrews are used installed using Tool Set J 25359 Standard Tarquo Spcclllcailons and Ilapscrnw Markings W 1 Capscrew Nad Markings Manutacturefs marks may vary Three line markings on heads 1 shown perow 1or example 4 nndncaio SAE Grade 5 1 r q r y 1 F r 11 M 1 me To 1 2 69 000 To 3 4 120 000 T0 5 8 140 000 150 000 14850 7 8436 0 9842 0 10545 0 CaF eW D E and M l To 3 4 64 000 T01 115 000 To 3 4 133 000 mum Tensile S 9 i P 14499 2 18084 5 19349 91 Kgr sq cm To 1 55 000 3866 51 Quality 01 Maierlal Minimum Commercial Medlum Commercial Best Commercial Capsuew Body SIZE Torque Torque Torque Torque ln rr Tn rj F Q F R F L EH F E 1 4 20 5 0 6915 1 1064 1 3830 12 1 6596 28 6 0 8298 1 3830 14 1 9362 5 16 1B 11 1 5213 17 2 3511 2 6277 24 3 3192 24 13 1 7979 19 2 6277 27 3 7341 3 8 16 18 2 4894 31 4 2873 34 4 7022 44 6 0852 24 20 2 7560 35 4 8405 49 6 7767 7 16 14 28 3 8132 49 6 7767 55 7 6065 70 9 6610 20 30 4 1490 55 7 6065 78 10 7874 1 2 13 G9 5 3937 75 10 3725 B5 11 7555 105 14 5215 20 41 5 6703 B5 11 7555 120 16 5960 9 16 12 51 7 0533 110 15 2130 120 16 5960 155 21 4365 1B 55 7 6055 120 16 5960 170 23 5110 5 8 11 83 11 4789 150 20 7450 167 23 0961 210 29 0430 18 95 13 1385 170 23 5110 240 33 1920 3 4 10 105 14 5215 270 37 3410 280 36 7240 375 51 8625 16 115 15 9045 295 40 7985 420 58 0860 7 6 9 160 22 1280 395 54 6285 60 8520 605 83 6715 14 175 24 2025 435 60 1605 675 93 3525 1 8 235 32 5005 590 81 5970 91 2780 910 125 8530 14 250 34 5750 660 91 2780 990 136 9170 Aurozv