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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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Il I Pm Pm 6 n r I 4 4 4 B 1 S rvIc s Smduld hy Ar nulahd IAII ap 4 Smlm ScII duI d hy Mlluqn or TIn Innml B 1 llnsclndulaai IAaInI nanc 4 I 11 GEIIEIIII Extended idling during normal operation S h d I d d h d 1 d Towingof trailers over2 000 pounds 9 E an msc 4m e s Short run usage that is most trips average un required to keep Jeep vehicles in good running condi del 6mileer tion are detailed in this section Services that must be vehicles in heavyduty use require service at more performed at periodic intervals are listed in the Me frequent intervals as specified bynHD in me Mecheni aI M i s S h These wi are cn Maintenance Schedule These services must be per Scheduled the bam PF m lf g m l d formed in addition to the services required for vehicles the odometer or a specified time interval whichever in mrmalsewice as specified by R comes first or they are scheduled by accumulated A mileage only This Maintenance section is therefore LE Vlc S are Services requlmd at the lnwwal subdivided into three parts 1 Services Scheduled by Shflwn In the Bchedule to hfzlp a l tl ed wm Mileage or Time Intervals 2 Services Scheduled by pllance wml U Sr Natmnal Emlsswn C l Accumulated Mileage and 3 Unscheduled Mainte Standards nance Unscheduled maintenance services are those services which need not be performed regularly but F In I only as the occasion arises III 0I IIIflIII I I S Machanml Mumanlnm schdula CJ models required unleaded fuel to meet Federal The services listed in the Schedule are those which emission standards The fuel filler tube on these experience and testing have indicated are the most models contains a restrictor which prevents insertion likely needed at the mileage or time interval shown of a nozzle from a gas pump delivering leaded fuel They are shown on the schedule as R I ID or E Reminder labels reading Unleaded Fuel Only are services affixed to the instrument panel and sheet metal next R services are those maintenance services that are to the filler tube Leaded fuel must not be used in CJ required to keep vehicles in normal service functioning models with V 8 engines These models are equipped properly with a catalytic converter which if leaded fuel is HD services are those services required only if used could be contaminated and require replacement the vehicle is operated in heavy duty service Heavy ofthe alumina catalyst beads duty service includes any of thefollowing uses Cherokee Wagoneer and Truck models can use Off road operation or operation under dusty con either leaded or unleaded fuel as long as it has an ditions for over 30 of use octane rating research method of 91 or higher SEIIVICES SCHEDULED BY NIILEIIGE DII TIME INTERVIILS Page Pap AI Slan al WInt r R I Evnry 25 000 Rllln Months 3 A Ev ry 5 000 Mllns Months n 4 AT STAI I I 0F WINTER Ratlary Cables Inspect the cables for condition and clean the ter Perform the following maintenance services at the minals Coat connections with light mineral grease or start of every winter season petroleum jelly Replace cables if required