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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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2 MAINTENANCE VI 1976 Jup lllnclranlcal Maintunanua Sulrnrlulu Englne OII and Oil Filter Engine Coon Tires Change requrred R every 5 000 WINGS Gr Tues and trre servrces are excluded s rrrarrrrrr whrchever mms Irrsr II mst verrrere g f Lj j 5 Q 5Q Qf rm mh me New Vsmcrs Warranry uses Involve lrrps under 5 B mules change all Ex ew wlmey season and the Marntenance Schedule once In between the 0II and frlter changes Trre adlustmenls are handled drrectly Change Heavy Duty HD every 3 000 mrles 01 wheel Nuu by the trre manufacturer Normal main 3 months whrchever comes Iirst Check engrne l9VI I l I 0 IIll l I QI lI Il5 BPPBBV 55 ml Myer eww 500600 m S Trghterr to specrfred torque R after guldes under Trres Irrst 200 mrles SERVICES SCHEDULED by ACCUMULATED MILEAGE HD ll you operate your Jeep vehrcle under heavy duty c ndItI0ns such as off road or dusty drrvrng condrtrcns for over 30 ol use extended Idlrng durrng normal uses towrng heavy traIlers 0ver 2 000 lbs or short run uses most trlps under6 8 mules more frequent servicrng Intervals are rsqurred HD servrce Intervals are rn addrtron I0 others Indrcated R Requrredforfunclion anddurabllrty E FIaquIred tu help assure compllance wrth U S National Ernrssion Control standards ODOMEYEFI READING j M 0 10 20 25 ao as 40145 70 75 sslsc 100 IN THOUSANDS Flurds tincludrng battery Inspect correct level Chart 1 COMPLETE BODY LUBRICATION AND anA E ruspscrrou rr Chart 2 HD HD HD HD HD HD HD HD HD HD num suspsrrsrorrArnspeerxmrrecr caster ana me HD HD HD HD HD HD HD HD HD Manual Transmlssrcrr Clutch Inspect correct adjustment Tr S 1 I E E E IE E EI COMPLETE CHASSIS CJ R R R R R R R R R n LUBR CAT O 7cH rQ res wagrirrear Chang Truck HD HD HD D HD D HD HD HD HD Shcck Absorber rvmurrrrrrgs ana ausnrrrgsanspeer HD HD n HD HD H0 n HD HD HD HD H0 Sprung ausrrrrrgs rrrspecr HD HD I r HD HD HD HD HD HD HD HD HD HD Exhaust System InspecI HD HD HD HD HD HD HD HD HD HD HD HD HD HD HD HD HD HD U S EMISSION CONTROL Scheduled routrne servrce E SERVICES CHEROKEE WAGONEER TRUCK Cornplele prec1sI0ntune up lCrr m 4l Us Errrssrrarr smrrrr rrr IE IEIIII EIIII CONTROL E m KH KZIIZZZZZISZKHIZIZZ SERVICES IuI spuu curb und fgnle cheek and rQ 3 t I I n g rs CJ Chart 5I L 2 f i s q rr r e Immedrately alter operatrng rn sane mud water ere rnspecl me brake assemblres and clean rl necessary CHART 1 FLUIDS INSPECT AND CORRECT LEVELS DRAIN AND REFILL NORMAL SERVICE Every 5 000 Miles A Miluw gmggund HEAVY DUTY SERVICE Every 3 000 Miles Transmsgon Transmrssrcn Transfer Case M0del 20 0nly A r c V C 25 OOO D1lterent1als Fr0nt and Rear Heavy Duw Sen me OIOOO Steerrng Gear Hcusrng Manual 30 000 P 5 9 R rrarrsrer Case M0del 20 nIy I0 000 Brake MaslerCyl1n er Drltgrsrrxrals Front and Rear 30 OOD Errgrne OII Level R r G I amar as Orrrsrrrrse rrrarcarea W r S Washer 5 wh MH 0us arrraC rrmrsr me ms mr rsqrrrrs seneuureu B II lunrrcarrt level check or rsrarn and retrll