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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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n MAINTENANCE Il 5 AFTER FINST 5 0lIl MILES EVEIIY 5 000 MILES Exhaust Syslan lnspaalian All Modal Fluid Laval llliacks All Madals Check the exhaust system after 5 000 miles of wml vehicle operation and inspect for the following condi Check electrolyte level and add distilled water if tions Correctasrequired necessary to bring level to bottom of ring in filler E h t te l ak d I t wells Check specific gravity with a reliable hy X aus Sys m B s amag mms lumen drometer Coat connections with light mineral grease Groundingagainstbody sheetmetalor frame or petroleum jelly Refer to Electrical section for Exhaust manifold heat Valve Stuck detailed maintenance information Catalytic converter CJ models only bulged or damaged by excessive heat EMM mmm Coolant level should be checked when the engine is cold If coolant should be needed fill radiator to ap proximately 1 2 inch to 1 inch below the filler neck Emmmn mmm anla EJ Mud when hot or 1 1 2 inch to 2 inches when cold Add a ntl me mixture of equal parts of ethylene glycol antifreeze Check belts driving fan air pump alternator power angdpum Wlimelzi In an Emergencw plainhwaterlmay be Ch t f t t t t t steering pump and air conditioning compressor for Ezrtuhltyicas tl gflxilgsoolgcplzllnawatei ixllesedsx cracks fraying wear and general condition Use l the antifreeze and corrosion protection afforded by the sion Gauge J 23600 to check drive belt tension Com ewllmtl DD not Overfllly as loss uf c 0laht due to eX pare reading obtained against the tension specified for pansl0h Wlll result used belts in the following chart If installing a new blt th lt tt h th h e use e initia ension se ings own in e c art Mm cTm mm ll dma ball l l replaced or l be choo me noaa iovei at mi engine oil change To adjusted refer to Cooling section for procedure make an aeeumte yluld level cheek 1 Drive vehicle several miles making frequent starts and stops to bring transmission up to normal l I lI Ball TIIISNIII PIIIIIIIH operating temperature 2 Place vehicle on level surface 3 Have engine running at hot idle speed one son um we una son 4 Apply parking hmke i o a 5 155 oo ns 5 Move eoarslilfl lover tllrousll all com loavlnz An oma o eeo s ey n or Park n w 1Z5to155 som ns td Remove dlpetlok located flll who ot rlellt All Pump WM www mating f rear of engine near firewall and wipe clean 6 5 7 l l dlv ll l ll ad H d 8 Remove ipstick an note re ing The ui Fa A S 25 155 gow H5 level should be between the ADD and FULL marks If 25 55 5 at or below the ADD mark add sufficient fluid to raise level toFULL mark Z 1Z I Y Z i E Z I Z ZJI2 1 I J 1 I I f Y use AM Automatic rn sma n rind o 0 umd um W cm Dexron II or equivalent 60543 CAUTION Do not overjll Overjilling can cause foaming which in tum can Lead to overheating fluid Z3 Z iZ Zi JZZZ L ZZ L1 i f 1 lZ ZT ZZ opera Foaming can also cause fluid to Check curb and fast idle speeds using equipment me mm known to be accurate For curb idle speed refer to ijgxfjc Lr r GL a mnSm1SSml Wm where it may be Tune Up Specifications On Car chart in the Emission Controls section For fast idle speed refer to Car When checking fluid level also check fluid condi buretor Service Specifications chart in the tion If fluid smells burned or is full of metal or fric Fuel Carburetion section tion material particles a complete transmission