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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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r MAINTENANCE B 11 UNSCHEDULEI MAINTENANCE Pm P q Calalytlc Iiunvnmr 4 B 11 Quadra Trac Translcr Cm 4 ll ll 6 n raI 4 4 4 444 Il ll Tires 4 4 B 12 GENERAL fig B 1 to permit addition of the full amount of con centrate through the transfer case fill plug Services detailed in this subsection are not listed in if the addition Oi the concentrate does not wi rect the Mechanical Maintenance Schedule for performance the sticinsiip condition the unit Snnnid be dmii ied at 3 Speelliled lntf Val TneY are to be Pe f0 ned a refilled and then driven in tight circles to distribute the occasion arises Owners users and service iuiii icann mechanics should be alert for indications that service OY replacement is needed CAUTION When driving in tight circles do not turn the wheels to the stop position keep the wheel about A A Y c vE E liabfa Iam offlhe stop position The catalytic converter used on all CJ models with Fluid chan V 8 engine and those manufactured for sale in Califor g nia could become contaminated if leaded gas is used or wiiiim Miuminn unii if the engine or emission controls are not maintained Use a lubricant blend cunsistin of ei ht Ounces of as scheduled If this occurs the catalyst the C g 8 oncentrate Jeep Part Number 8123004 or Lubrizol alumina coated beads in the converter must be re 762 and SAE 30 good quality nondetergent motor oil placed Refer to the catalyst replacement procedure in I I nenmlsnicomlsatnn g jg t is 35 gge dj mgjgg gg M 1 7 1 ers etergent an eavy uty ype mo tor oils are not recommended DUARRA TRAC TRANSFER BASE Remove fill plug and drain plug fig B 1 and allow the transfer case to drain completely Replace drain Sllllll ll clllllllllllll plug Install concentrate then fill to fill hole level with motor oil as specified above Replace fill plug The Quadra Trac transfer case does not require per iodic or scheduled lubrication However should a stick slip condition occur in the transfer case a torque wml lmmlml unit wind up condition results as in a conventional transfer Use a lubricant blend of eight ounces of Concent case Sudden release of the clutch brake cones under Tele JeelJ Part Number 8123004 0F Lnbfinel 762 and this condition results in a constant pulsating grunt good quality SAE 30 nondetergent motor o1l Require like noise that if it occurs is evident to the driver at nlenli IS 45 PintS 3 7ImDeF1 lP nl OF ZJ liie slow or crawl speeds such as when slowly turning Remove the fill plugs from the transfer case and re acomenml when msmeuvermgw park duction unit Remove the transfer case drain plug After it has drained completely replace the drain NOTE Slick slip can occur after extended high speed Pl g h h d d t th h lehu sb SlZnT hd r Z Zer TiL Zie n Z Jfodwd JQ L g e M jlg t y g i g gi mol and should be of no concern as the noise will dis ggugxlntg gibnia tie uixnxocs zaig plkfter hz appmrwlth clmlmued dmmlg drained completely move the housing back into posi t dt ht th blt If this condition occurs a full eight fluid ounces of mn an lg Bn E D S Concentrate Jeep Part Number 8123004 or Lubrizcl First install the concentrate in the reduction unit 762 or equivalent should be added this applies to the and then fill to fill hole level with motor oil as specif Quadra Trac transfer case with or without the reduc ied above Replace the fill plug Next fill the transfer tion unit It may be necessary to drain a sli ht case to fill hole level with the specified motor oil Re g amount of lubricant at the transfer case drain plug place fillplug