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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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Il I2 MAINTENANIIE VI CAUTION Fill plugs drain plugs and reduction CAUTION When driving in tight circles do not housing bolts should not be rwertightened Tighten turn the wheels to the stop position keep the wheel plugs and 3 X 16 bolts to 15 to 25 foot pounds and about hal 41 turn off the stop position 5 16 lx bolts in 10 to 20 foobpmrnds torque Overtigh lening may result in thread stripping or breakage of TIRES therrlunziriurn unit 4 g Tires and tire services are excluded from the New After draining and refilling it may be necessary to Vehicle Warranty and Mechanical Maintenance drive the vehicle in circles in an open area both Schedule Tire adjustments are handled directly by clockwise and counterclockwise for about 15 minutes their manufacturers Their normal maintenance to allow the fresh lubricant to enter the differential recommendations appear as guides under Tire Condi unit and to force the clutches to operate tion in this manual llrr nmm rrl d Lubricants MM Manual Transmission SAE BOW Gear Lubricant API GLA Model 2D Transler Case Autcrnatrc Transrrrlsslon AM Automatic Transmission Fluid or equivalent brand labelled Dexronirj or Dexron ll Power Steering Gear Purn AM Automatic Transmission Fluid or equivalent brand labelled Dexron Quadra Trac lranster Oase Use a blend ol AMC Jeep Lubricant Concentrate Jeep Part No Low Range Reduction Unrt BI23UD4 and SAE 30W non deter ent motor oil Manual Steering Gear AM All Purpose Lubricant or Multi Purpose Chassis Lubricant I Lnhrum Basel l Brake Master Cylinder AMClJeep Brake Fluid Part No 8992757 or equivalent conlormrng I lDrurn or Disc Eraxes to SAE Standard Jt703 and FMVSS No HS DOT 3 Brake Flurd Axle Drlrerentrals Front A Rear l AM Rear Axle Lubricant or trmted S rp Gear Lubricant ol 5 Trac l o Axle DltIerentral SAE 80W 9U API GL5 quality Propeller shalt Double Cardan Joint Propeller Shalt Single i AM All Purpose Lubricant or Multi Purpose Chassis Lubricant Cardan Joint Prooeller Shalt Sleeve Vokes Model 2D Transler Case Lithium Basel Shirt Lever Model 20 Transler Case Shirt Llnkage Steering Linkage Ball Jornts Stearir1 Shalt Universal Joint Clutch Linka e Bellcrank Front Wheel Bearings Wheel Bearing Lubricant Exhaust Manllold Heat Valve ANI Heat Valve Lubricant Fart No BBQIBGZ or equrvalent Asn Tray Slldes AM Lubrlplate nr equivalent ow r ma tlrrgare ana rarigare Lock Mechanisms I I Glove Box Latch and Hinges r Parkin erate l l Accelerator Linkage AM Motor Oil or equivalent brand l Door Hood Tarl ate and Lllt ate Pivot Points Weatherstrrpprn AM Silicone Lubricant Spray Part No 8992BBl or equivalent Ker Lock Cylinders Apply AM Sllrcune Lubricant Spray or light oil to key and insert ln lock cylinder Repeal several times Alr Cleaner Pol urethane Element SAE l0W 3 en trre oil Flrrld Ilapaclllns r itl Ar vv lr t Relill imperial Measure more Mum term Engine Oil includes l quart lor Itller change 232 ClD 258 CID engines 6 0 quarts 5 0 quarts 5 7 304 ClD 360 CID Er 401 CID engines 5 0 quarts 4 2 quarts 4 7 Cooling System Includes I quart lor heater 232 CID 8 258 CID engines l0 5 quarts B 7 quarts 10 0 304 CID engine l4 0 quarts ll 6 quarts lCl 2 350 CID dr 40l CID englnes I30 quarts t0 8 quarts t23 Transler Cin Model 20 3 2 pints 2 7 pints I 5 Sl Ouadra Trac 3 5 pints 2 9 pints I 7 Gl Ouadra l raC with Reduction Unit 4 5 pints 37 pints 21 Tunamilsiort Manual 3 5peed CJ Models 30 pints 2 1 pints 2 Manual 3 Speed Cherokee Wagorteer Truck 2 7 pints 2 2 pints 1 3 l Manual 4 Speed All Models 5 pints 5 5 pints 3 l Automatic Change Only 5 0 quarts 4 2 quarts 4 7 l Autornatlc Al Overhaul I1 0 quarts 9 2 quarts IO 4 Axlet AMC Model Rear Ax e CJ Models 4 0 pints 4 2 pints I 9 Model 30 Front Axle CJ Models 2 5 pints 2 1 pints l 2 lb Model 44 Front or Rear Axle All but CJ Models 3 0 plnts 2 5 pints I 4 D Model S0 3 FF Rear AxIe Trucxs Over 6500 GVW 6 0 pints 5 0 pints 2 8 G1 Tank Approxinute Glllottt CJ Models I5 5 gallons l2 9 gallons 58 7 Cherokee Wagoneer 22 O gallons IB 3 gallons 83 3 Truck l9 0 gallons 15 8 gallons 7I 9 la Quantities lured are tor SAE 30 oecd quality Non Detergent Motor oil Add erutrt nurrcn ot Concentrate Jeep Pan Nurrrberetzsom