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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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IA 1 Pap Pm Camshaft and Ilurlags 1A Z0 Lulrlullnm System IA 2 Danmdng nm 4 IA 21 Dil FlIl r IA ZZ 1 nn ctIa M nd Plmn Amnblks IA 26 llll Pan 4 IA 21 Omkshall IA 31 Illl Pump IA 23 Gylllll Illndi IA Z5 Piston IA 28 I2yII d 1 Ilul Amnily lA l3 l wk rAmAmmhIy IA 10 I yI d r llul Ilunt and Enid IA 9 Hur Ihln Baring 0II Sal IA 24 wllukr llul I u dItI n IA I4 scum Ilugnusls 4 4 4 1A 5 Uyllnkr Luknp Tm 1A 3 Smrl Enqln Assnnlly Shun Block 4 4 IA 33 Englm Manila 4 IMI Spulll tlm 1A 33 Engln Iaslalhlldn 4 4 4 IA 9 Tlmlng Chain 4 IA 19 E ln Ilnml IA 8 limiag tau Cuvar 4 IA IB Flyulml and Storm llln Gut Assmbly IA 33 T rqu Spnnlllcallans 4 IA 31 limnl 4 4 IA 1 Valvn Ilocundltlnnlnu 4 4 IA II ltylrullc Valv Tanya 1A 15 VaIv Sprlng VaIv Sun 0lI ll iku lar IA 10 II tI lcaII n 1A l VIhnlI n Danpar IA 17 lnulu and Extmt Ilnllulls IA 12 GENERAL seven two piece bearings The camshaft is supported by four one piece line bored bearings Due to the The 232 and 258 Cm are enneylindel in line similarity of the 232 and 2 8 CID engines service pro Overhead valve engined Beth engines enemte only en cedures have been consolidated and typical illustra unleaded fuel when installed in CJ Models All F S ar S d except where Slfeclflc P d S afld Cherokee and Truck Models equipped with Snneylinde illustrations are needed to clarify the operation fig engines may use leaded or unleaded fuel Cylinders lA i3 d1A 2 are numbered from front to rear Firing order is 1 5 3 6 24 Crankshaft rotation is counterclockwise Mlnmiumn viewed from the rear The crankshaft is supported by Ilullnl hI Goth The engine Build Date Code is located on a i V machined surface on the right side of the block be Q tween the No 2 and No Bcylinders fig 1A 3 3 g The numbers of the code identify the year month 1 1 jl 7 and day that the engine was built ral QJ i The code letter identifies the cubic inch displace V i ment cagburetor t rpe and compression ratio The let 2 an A tersa e ecodedas ollo s I Englna llulld Dald linda ga Mb V OJ Q j can am y d A zss iv ann V E m av mi I W l E 1 2 4 and ara a su 4 sd T lt T magna cmuews came cameras t L www Mami mal wm uml 7 2 0 E m 4 suave g EXAMPLE 9 03 A 18 60267 r SMU The example code identifies a 258 CID with 1V car buretor and 8 00 1 compression ratio built on March FI IA I Emlhkssunlly S t1hn V w 18 1976