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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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VI SIX CYLINDER ENGINE ll 9 18 Remove oil filter 8 Lower engine onto frame supports remove lift 19 Remove both engine front support cushion to ing device and install front support cushion retaining frame retaining nuts nuts Tighten nuts to 33 foot pounds torque 20 Support he weight of the engine with a lifting 9 Connect exhaust pipe to support bracket and device exhaust manifold using a new seal if required 21 Remove front support cushion and bracket 10 Install oil filter assemblies from engine 11 Connect all wires lines linkage and hoses 422 Remove lransfer case shift lever boot floormat which were previously disconnected from engine ifequipped an l transmission access cover 412 If removed install air conditioning condenser 23 If equipped with automatic transmission re and receiver assembly Connect receiver outlet to the move upper bolts securing transmission bell housing disconnect coupling Connect condenser and evaporator toengine lines to compressor Purge compressor of air as out If equipped with manual transmission remove upper lined in Air Conditioning section bolts securing clutch housing to engine 24 Remove starter motor CAUTION Both service valves must be open before 25 If equipped with automatic transmission ie aircoizditioriing system is operated Remote engine adapter plate inspection covers 13 If removed install power steering pump and Mark assembled position of converter and drive belt tighten belt to specified tension flex plate and remove converter to 14 Install radiator fan and tighten retaining bolts flex plate capscrews to 18 foot pounds torque Remote remaining bolts securing transmis 415 Install radiator and connect upper and lower sion bill housing to engine hoses If equipped with automatic transmission con lfequipped with manual transmission MCE the Q0 l S T dl I Remove clutch housing lower cover and 16 Fil COO mg SYSWN W SWG le we remaining iinits securing inc clutch housing S s Oil l v l add l r i d to cngimn nsta alrceanerassem y gg Support U ansmissjon with 3 floorjacln 19 Start engine Check hose connections for leaks 27 Remove engine by pulling forward and upward SY OP engme 20 If removed install and align hood assembly 21 Install the transmission access cover floormat ENGINE INSTM I Milan and transfer case shift lever boot 1 Lower engine slowly into engine compartment and align wivh the transmission bell housing cyunnm HEAD cuvm Mm GASKET automatic transmission or clutch housing manual transmission Removal NOTE i1 m iu 1l triiinsriisswns make certain the i i i m in t i m niii with in splines ofthe 1 Kemp or and PGV modes me hmh ilrilwl mlm 2 Disconnect distributor vacuum advance line at spark CTO tube and fuel line at fuel pump rotate fuel 42 Install transmission bell housing twngine line to allow removal of the cylinder licoii cover automatic transmission or clutch housing to engine 3 Disccnncct POV valve from gmmmcg in cylin bolts manual transmission Tighten the bolts to spe dc ncnd ccvcn cified torque automatic transmisaion 28 foot p0unds 4 Remove cylinder head cover screws cover and manual transmission top 17 bottom 43 foot pounds gasket from engine 3 Remove floor jack which was used to support transmission 4 If equipped rvitli automatic transmission align l marks previously made on converter and flex plate in 1 Inspect cylinder head cover for cracks stall converter lo flex plate capscrews and tighten to 2 Position gasket on cylinder head cover flange 33 foot pounds torque Gasket tabs are to be positioned in cutout openings in 5 Install inspection covers automatic transmis flange ofcover sion or the clulch housing lower cover manual trans 43 Position cylinder head cover and gasket on en mission gine and install screws Tighten to 50 inch pounds tor 6 Install starter motor que 7 Install front support cushion and bracket assemblies to engine tighten retaining bolts to 28 CAUTION Do not miertighteri screws as this may foot pounds torque crack cover and split the cover gasket