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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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IA Z4 SlX EYL Nl1EN ENGINE r NOTE The oil inlet tube must be moved to allow re NEAN MAIN BEARING DIL SEM moval of the relief valve therefore the pickup tube assembly must be replaced upon immll mgm The rear main bearing crankshaft oil seal consists of two pieces of neoprene with a single lip that effec tively seals the rear of the crankshaft To ensure humbly and lnslllllalllm leak free operation the upper and lower seal halves I Install oil pressure relief valve spring mustbereplaced in pairs retainer and cotter pin 2 If position ot the inlet tube in the pump body NUIIIOVII has been disturbed install new tube and screen as 1 Drain engine Oil paplplp Apply p help mm pf p Np 2 pr tz Remove oil ooo refer to on Rom Removal m equivalent around end of tube Using Tool J 21882 this Section fig 1A 34 drive tube into body making sure support 3 Rembve rem main bearing cap and discard bracket is properly aligned lower walk 4 Loosen all remaining bearing capscrews R 5 With a brass drift and hammer tap upper seal 21882 until sufficient seal is protruding to permit pulling it out completely Installation e 1 Remove oil pan front and rear neoprene oil l V seals and oil pan sidegaskets J 2 Clean gasket surfaces of oil pan and engine lNl E1 block Remove all sludge and dirt from the oil pan l wer sump 3 Clean main bearing cap thoroughly to remove r all sealer l l L 4 Wipe seal surface of crankshaft clean and ligh tly coat with engine oil v e V 5 Coat lip of seal with engine oil 6 Install upper seal into engine block 3 to 3 l V vt NOTE Lip ofseal must face toward front of engine e so ameoa 7 Coat both sides of lower seal end tabs with Fllll MM ollpmunlu Tllnlmlillllhll Jeep Gasket in a Tube RTV silicone or equivalent being careful not to apply sealer to lip of seal 3 Install d1 r shaft idler gear and drive gear 8 Coat outer curved surface of lower seal with 3 S mblY soap and lip of seal with engine oil 9 Install seal into cap recess and seat it firmly NOTE To ensure sel Tpriming of the oil pump the 10 Coat with Jeep Gasket in a Tube RTV pump must be filled with petroleum jelly prior to the silicone or equivalent on both charnfered edges of installation of the oil pump cover Do not use grease rear main bearing cap fig 1A 35 4 lllstall pllllnp mvell and new gasket Tlgllmll NOTE Do not apply seakr to cylinder block mating Covell screws to 70 lllclppollllds l lqll surface of rear main cop as bearing ckarance could be NOTE Check operatum prior to installing the oil d d pump 11 Install rear main bearing cap 5 Install oil pump and a new gasket Tighten 12 Tighten all main bearing capscrews to 80 foot short screws to 10 foot pounds torque and long screws pounds torque to17foot pounds torque 13 Install oil pan using new gaskets and seals 6 Install oil pan using new gaskets and seals Tighten drain plugsecurely refer to Oil Pan Installation in this section Fill cran 14 Fill crankcase with new oil to specified dipstick kcase with new oil to specified level level