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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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IA 28 SIX CYLINDER ENGINE r Service rzpltaxiement bearing inserts are available Musurlnu Burlng Clearance with Illcrmnalu as pairs in t e 0 owing sizes standard 0 001 0 002 1 W 0 010 and 0 012 inch undersize Bearing size is stam me wniwctmg md Joumalcleam perl on the back of service replacement inserts 2 Use 8 infcromewr to check for taper and Dub of round conditions Correct tolerance for both taper V J and out of round is 0 0005 inch maximum If any rod m3 5 u g d in zt ll t 7i L 0 01 3 mah undermzg msg journal is not within specifications the crankshaft must be replaced or reconditioned and fitted with new mma undersize bearing inserts 3 U t t 1 Drain si il disiwietiirolanigigizt Er O mmm maximum 2 Remove olloao mo gaskots 4 Compare reading obtained with journal 3 Rotate omokohatt as o od to Posltlon two diameters listed in Connecting Rod Bearing Fitting ooooootmo reds atatlmo at bottom of St oko Chart and select inserts required to obtain specified 4l Remove connecting rod bearing caps and then bearing clearance remove lower bearing insert 5 Remove upper bearing insert by rotating it out m y Ofmnnemng mdi 1 Lubricate bearing surface of each insert ith clean engine oil NOTE Da not mr bearing caps Each connecting rod 2 Install bearing inserts cap and retaining nuts mul its matching cap is stamped with the cylinder Tighten to 28 fgoppounds torque number on ri mruhizzerl surface which faces the cam shuf side ofthe engine block CAUTION Care niust be exercised when rotating the crankshaft with bearing caps removed Be sure the 6 Inspect bearing inserts for abnormal wear or Connecting red ooltsflo not oomdwttollll omg i of damage Bearing inserts with either condition should toot h The od o ol and Scratch th ftmsfh be replaced Beurtglg failuret ivonldl Eeznlt hoses tirztalled over e connec ing ro 0 s wi e p preven mage t It ls Musurlng Bearing Clearance with Plastlqm U mm www ll Wipejoumalcleanl A T S Igstall 1711 pan using new gaskets and seals 2 Place a strip of Plastigage across full width of lg en ramp ug secule y lower insert at the center Oi bearing can 4 Fill crankcase with new oil to specified level 3 Install bearing cap to connecting rod and tigh Plsmns ten retaining nuts to 28 fo0t pounds torque 4 Remove bearing cap and determine amount of clearance by measuring the width of the compressed cedA n 2 lgi 0t l i 1u g 1l gtx r 13 g Pl h h s W m Sh IA 37 The mg bait time the piston provides nr three piston rings two compression and one oil control ring The piston pin boss is offset from the centerline of the piston to place it nearer the thrust side of the SCALE piston 2 V A notch in the top perimeter of the piston ensures t correct installation in the bore Notch must face front r ii 3 ofengine when installed fig lA 38 Wn f 1 L e V 3 Fltllng Pistons f Pistons are fitted to their respective bores by measuring the inside diameter of the cylinder bore at a point 2 5 16 inches below the top of bore and the ccmvnesseo outside diameter of the piston Pistons are cam ground ASVGAGE and must be measured et right angles to piston pin at 9 centerline of pin fig 1A 39 The difference between cylinder bore diameter and piston diameter is piston Flu IA 31 Bnrlng Cluranca Ilimurunnm wllh Plastluaga to bore vlearance