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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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lll 34 SIX CYLINDER ENGINE VI Spacilicallnns lllnnllnullllj Camshaft Continued Cylinder Block Continued Bearing Journal Diameter Cylinder Bore standard 3 7501 to 3 7533 inches No 1 3929 rn 2 g3g inches Maximum Cylinder Taper 0 005 inch N0 2 2 g19 re Ogg inches Maximum Cylinder Outol Round 0 003 inch No 3 4 2309 ro 2010 gnehes Tappet Bore Diameter 0 905 to 0 906 inch No 4 1 999 O Q 00 1nches Cylinder Block Flatness 0 001 1 inch 0 002 6 inch Base Circle Runout 0 001 inch max 0 008 inch max Cam Lobe Lift 0 232 inch Intake Valve Timing qrlhyger Head 0 5 v4 4 l2 l2 BTDC Combustion Chamber Volume 62 5 ro 65 5 ae Clms 4 44 64806 ABDO Valve Arrangement EI IE lE El El IE Exhaust Valve Timing Valve Guide ID Integral 0 3735 to 0 3745 inch Owens 4 53126 BBDC Valve Stem to Guide Clearance 0 001 ro 0 009 inch Closes 4 23 B0 ATDG lnralre Valve Seat Angle 306 Valve Overlap 4l 4 l 35926 exhaust Valve Seat Angle 44 50 lrltake D r tl 44 256 92 Valve Seat Width 0 040 to 0 060 inch Exhaust Duration 256 9 Valve Seat Flunout 0 0025 inch Cylinder Head Flatness 0 001 1 inch 0 002 6 inch Connecting Rods 0 008 inch max Total Weight Less Bearings 232 557 to 665 grams L b 4 t S sr 258 e r 5 7 3 m 5 gin ac 6a a y s qu err T l Length l r ll A Add 1 quart warn filter enaneel 222 6 22 6 27 1 Normal ouerarang Pressure 13 psi at 000 rpm 258 5 873 to 5 877 inches 37 fo 75 psi max at 1600 rpm Piston Pin Bore Diameter 0 9288 to 0 9298 inches Oh Pressure Relief V 4 r I V 4 r V 4 r r A A V 4 4 75 psi max Bearing Clearance 0 001 to 0 0025 inch G ar r0 B dy Clearance U r I r 4 r 040025 to 040005 inch 0 0015 0 002 inch preferred WIOOD5 inch preferred 6 66v6 6665 6 6 Y Gear End Clearance 0 002 to 0 000 inch Maxlmum Twlst 0 001 per lnch 0006 inch preferred ll bximum Bend 0 0005 per inch Crankshaft Pagans End Play 0 001510 0 0065 inch Y r En rrrr e1r r r 3r 6 465 6 Main laearlne Journal Diameter 2 4986 to 2 5001 inches 6 3 Mem Bearing Journal Wfdrh P Top 1 59zto1d601 lches Logsmfloggrhches lston to B re Iearanoe 0 000 to 00 lnch ne a 1 271 ra 1 27a inches rm R Ga mmm l 2 l3 mh me wsdl No 2r4 5 6 7 1 1a2 o1 1lsalnel1es C0 6 pm h 0010 0020 h lvlaln Bearing Clearance 0 001 to 0 002 inch Plston Rlng Gap Clearance 0 0025 lnch preferred Oll Control Steel Rails 0 010 to 0 025 lnch Connectlng Rod Journal P R Srd cr Diameter 2 0934 ro 2 0955 inches 6 I 6 F 6 0 0015 D my h Connecting Rod Journal vvlelrb 1 070 ro 1 076 inches conneerlng Rod Bearing Clearance 0 001 ro 0 0025 inch 6 66 5 Y 6 0 0015 0 00Zihch preferred No 2 Compresslon 0 0015 to5O 003 lnch Maximum ourorrnouno All Journals 0 0005 mon 6 66 6 Maximum raeer All Journals ooeos nan P fl genlrgl h 00 8 l l 3 l mdl ls on lng roove elg Compression both 0 0795 to 0 0805 inch Cylinder Block Oil Control 0 188 to 0 189 inch Deck Height 9 528 to 9 534 inch Piston Ring Groove Diameter Deck Clearance No 1 and No 2 3 328 to 3 333 inches 232 0 0575 inch below block Oil Control 3 329 to 3 339 inches 258 0 110 inch below block Piston Pin Bore Diameter 0 9308 to 0 9313 inch