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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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IB l Page Page Censlali anti Bearings 4 111 22 Intake Menilold 4 4 4 IM3 Connecting Rod 1528 l uIn icatlon System 1B Z Connecting lied and Piston Assemltlles4 4 1B 28 0il Hller 4 IHA Cranksltalt IM3 Dil Pen 4 4 Ill 24 Cylinder Block 1Il Z6 Dil Pump IMA Cylinder lleail antl Gasket 4 4 1M4 Pistons s s s IMI Cylinder llead Cover s s s tl 11 llear Mein Bearing IIII Seel 1Il 25 Byllntlerlleenllteconrlltionlng 18 15 ltoolterkmnssemhty ttt tt I Cylinder Leakage Test 1B 9 Servloe Diagnosis 1lL5 Engine leslalletlon s 1B 10 Sltort Engine Assembly s 1536 Engine Mounting 4 4 4 4 4 1B 4 Specilicetions s 1MB Engine Removal 4 4 4 s s 1 Ml Tlmlng llltaln 4 s ill 21 Exhaust MenIlold4 s lM4 Tlmleg Case Cover s 1M 9 Flywheel and Starter Ring Gear Assembly s lIl 36 Valve Spring Valve Siem llll Delleclor IB 12 General s s 4 4 s 1M Value Stem to tluitle Clearance s s 1B l 6 Hydraulic Valve Tappels lll 17 Vlltrallon Ilanper s IM 9 Idenllllcallon s s 1 M GENERAL The code numbers identify the year month and day that the engine was built4 The code letter ident The 304 360 atid 401 CID Zl are 90 d ST V 8 ifies the cubic inch displacement carburetor type and designs incorporating overhead valves The 304 CID compression ml i engines CJ Model only operate ONLY on unleaded gasoline The cylinders are numbered from front to Example 9 05 H 14 rear 1 3 5 7 on the left bank and 2 4 6 8 on the right The exam 4 4 4 ple code tdenttfies a 304 CID w1th 2V car hank with Y d f g 1 S 3 6 5 7 2 buretor and 8 4 1 compression ratio built on May 14 The crankshaft supported by five two piece main 19764 bearings rotates in a counterclockwise direction as viewed from the rear4 The camshaft is supported by five one piece line bored bearings 4 Bridged pivot assemblies control movement of in fl V l j i ax take and exhaust rocker arms that are paired by r 4 wg jg i Wn jj cylinders fig 1B 1 and 1B 2 R fvy I Service procedures for all V 8 engines are essen i j 4 f iially thesame uy I T Q Q 4 QI AQ i i ltlentlllcatlon c i The cubic inch displacement of all V 8 engines is A cast into each side of the cylinder block4 These num y bers are located between the engine mounting bracket 4 bosses V Bolle ate Bode t qi V The engine Build Date Code is located on a tag uno attached to the right bank cylinder head cover fig4 1B 3 Fig4 1M Sectional lllewolv Il Engine Assembly