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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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VI V 8 ENGINE lll 9 Cylinder Leakage Tasl Illagnusls Condition Possible Cause Correction AIR ESCAPES 1 Intake Valve leaks 1 Refer to Valve Reconditioning THROUGH under Cylinder Head CARBURETOR Reconditioning AIR ESCAPES 2 Exhaust Valve leaks 2 Refer to Valve Reconditioning THROUGH under Cylinder Head TAILPIPE Reconditioning AIR ESCAPES 3 Head Gasket leaks or crack 3 Remove cylinder head THROUGH in cylinder block and inspect RADIATOR MORE THAN 25 4 Head gasket leaks or crack 4 Remove cylinder head LEAKAGE ON in cylinder block or head and inspect ADJACENT between adjacent cylinders CYLINDER MORE THAN 25 5 Stuck or broken piston ring s 5 Inspect for broken ring s or LEAKAGE ANI cracked piston wom mgs piston Measure ring gap and AIR ESCAPES andyor cylinder Wag cylinder diameter taper and THROUGH OIL out of round FILLER CAP OPEN ING ONLY soszv gy N T LEAKAGE TEST NOTE While testing listen for air escaping through carburetor tailpipe or oil filler cap opening Check for Satisfactory engine performance depends upon a l7ni7ble mnldintnreenlallt mechanically sound engine In many cases unsatisfac tory performance or rough idle is caused by cnmbus 9 A11 ewes indicativns h 1d be even with tion chamber leakage A compression test alone may more than 25 ieak Be Fei eXamPie at 0 Pei input not show this fault The cylinder leakage test provides Pi e5 ui e 3 minimum of 60 Pei Snnnid be maintained an accurate means of testing engine condition Cylin in the eylinden Refer tv tne i 0ii0WinE leakage der leakage testing will point out exhaust and intake diagnosis chart valve lcaks leaks between cylinders or into the water jacket or other causes of compression loss ENGINE NEMUVAL l Check coolant level and fill as required Do not install radiator cap The engine is removed without the transmission Z Start and run engine until it reaches normal and bellhousing operating temperature 1 On Cherokee Wagoneer and Truck models the 3 Remove spark plugs hood must be removed Mark hinge locations at hood 4 Remove oil filler cap panel for alignment during installation Remove hood 5 Remove air cleaner from hinges ti Set carburetor fast idle speed screw on top of 2 Remove air cleaner assembly fast idle cam 3 Drain cooling system and disconnect upper and 7 Calibrate tester according to instructions of lower radiator hoses manufacturer 4 If equipped with automatic transmission dis connect cooler lines from radiator and engine assem NOTE Shop air source for testing should maintain bly 70 psi minimum and 200 psi maximum 80 psi recom mended NOTE 1 vehicle is equipped with a radiator shroud it is necessary to separate the shroud from the 8 Perform test procedure on each cylinder ac radiator to facilitate removal and installation of the cording to tester manufacturers instructions radiator and engine fan