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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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yl V4 E B 3Q V 8 Engine Spoclllnallans Illunllnucdl Intake Valve Head Diameter Exhaust Valve Face Angle 4 440 304 1 782 inch to 1 792 inch Valve Springs 360 401 4 2 020 inch to 2 030 inch Free Length 2 200 inch Intake Valve Face Angle 290 Spring Tension Exhaust Valve Head Diameter Valve Closed 80 to 88 pounds at I 13 16 inch 304 1 401 inch to 1 411 inch Valve Open 210 to 216 pounds at 1 23 S4 inch 360 401 1 675 inch to 1 685 inch Inside Diameter All 1 000 inch to 1 020 inch Torque Spaclllcallmts Service S t To Tcrqurs should be usad whon asomhlinq component Service fV r Us R t h dt Ycrquas should he ugad pr cracking 7 106 pr torque mm s Y T to kwin F S t C h Twrqut YQ im n so Bracket to Block 28 22 to 38 Set To Redtadt 33 27 38 Torque Tum Front Support Cushion to Bracket 0 Front Support Arr Imectlon Tube to Man I0Ic1 38 30 to 45 cu m Fyame 33 27 to 37 Arr Pump to Bracket 20 15 to 22 Fuel Pump Screws I6 13to 19 Air Pump Brackets to Englne AC Idler Pulley Bearing Compressor or Pedestals 25 18 to 28 Shaft to B cket Nut 33 28 to 38 Arr Pump Adlustlng Strap to Pump 20 15 to 22 Idler Pulley Bracket t Front Alternator Pivot Bolv or Nut 28 20 to 35 Cover Nut 7 4to9 Alternator Adyustlng Bolt 18 15to 20 Intake Manilold Screws 43 37 to 47 Alternator Mounting Elracket Main Bearing Capscrevvs 100 90 to I05 B0lt to Englne 28 23 to 30 Oil Purnp Cover Screws 55 n4b 45 to 65 in4b Alternator Frvor Mollnm r9 Oil Pan Screws Bolt to I lean 33 30 to 35 1 4 Inch 20 7 5to9 Automatic Transm ssl0n t0 BIock 28 22 to 38 5 I 6 Inch 18 11 9 to 13 Carnshalt Gear Retamer Screw 30 25 tc 35 Oil Fieliel Valve Cap 28 22 to 35 Carburetor Adapter 0 MamroId Power Steering Pump Adapter Screw 23 18 to 28 Screws 2 14 I2 to 15 Power Steering Pump Bracket Screw 43 37 to 47 e r r H r Nm 1 17 15 www slwang Pump Manning sm N za zs ta as Clutch Housing Spacer to Block Rear lnsulator Bracket t0 Trans Swws 12 9 r I5 stud Nut sa 21 to se Clutch I lous ng to Block Screws 27 22 to 30 pea gupmn nsu a y r g ackgr Nut 48 40 to 55 Connecting Roo Eolrs Nuts 33 30 to 35 Rear Support Cushi0n to Crossmen 1 ar 304 350 004 8 360l screw nur 18 rz ra zs 39 401 35 40 401 Hacker Arm capwew 19 16 to 26 Spark Plugs 28 22 to 33 cmtsl art Pulley ta pamper 23 ism za T wm Ig gg cvlrnoer nasa capsmws 110 100 te 120 T 9 Cm B k 55 48 to 64 cyl laer nasa cave screws so In lo nm se an lb V D s 4 M Jb A0 55 ug lw s a ams mw ra lu 7 IB W W Drive Plate to Converter Screw 22 20 to 25 EGR Valve to 1v1amlolo 13 9to18 All torque values qivcn in foot pounds with dry fits anla athl exnaust Mamma sales 25 20 to 30 wk i1F Exhaust Pipe to ll lanrlold Nuts 20 15 to 25 Rohr to th Standard Torque Specificatlcns and Capscnw Markings Fan and Hub Assembly Bolts 18 12 to 25 Chart in Sectlon A ol this manual for any torque specifications nm Flywheel or Drive Plate to Zrankshalt IO5 95 to I20 listed shove