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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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VI ELECTRICAL 3 3 Be sure the clamps are making good contact DO NOT CONNECT THE OTHER END OF THE JUM PER CABLE TO THE NEGATIVE TERMINAL OF THE DISCHARGED BATTERY Connect to a bolt or m nut on the engine Do not connect the jumper to the carburetor air cleaner ur fuel line Keep the cable M clear of belts and pulleys fig 3 3 I I rg When removing the jumper cables disconnect the clamp on the engine Erst Discard the cloth used to cover the cap openings as they have been exposed to sulfuric acid Install the vent caps I l BATTERY CHANGING ssrrznv in venice slow clam BATTE V Slow charging is the preferred method of recharg l ing a battery The slow charge method may be safely I P i used regardless of charge condition of the battery pro 0 vided the electrolyte is at the proper level in all cells and is not frozen l 2ll CAUTION Do not attempt to charge or use a booster on it battery with frozen electrolyte as it may Fig 3 3 laltary Junpar Cahla Bnnnacllnns muse hella mn battery to explodel The normal charging rate for a battery is one amp accompanying nnnn voltage n fast nnnnnnn nnnnr nni ver v s vm rm all FM 2 a 54 vm bat ne nnnn for booster nnannnn Before connecting jnnn my has mcs elem pei call 54 v d i by 6 There per cables to a discharged battery remove the vent always ll lllllle llegallve plate per cell lllall p slllv cap and cover the cap openings with a cloth EE glllxgllli lag l l li sal al p A 70 llmp a ery as p s or s p CAUTION Baltery action generates hydrogen gas The cllallglllg late for tllls llatl l y would llillll which is jlnmnzable und explosive Hydrogen gas is lllllls 5 posllilv llngllsh llegalllve ll 1 Dell ce l present icithin a battery at all times even when a bat ilplllgllll ll ll l0 rl ollrs ls l eqlllr W ll uslllg teiy is in a discharged condition Keep open flames and sparks including cigarettes cigars pipes away The lll ltl l y may b l llY llalg d by lllls m l ll d jyom the battery Always lvm We protection when unless it is not capable of accepting a full charge A bat wmnking with ll b ltt2W tery is in a maximum charged condition when all cells are gassing freely and three corrected specific gravity WARNING Dumlg com wmthen U fluid is not readings taken at hourly intervals indicate no increase visible or ice is evident do not attempt to jump start lll speclflc gl lVllY as the battery could rupture ur explode The battery must be brought up to 40 F and water HSA clam gfgjgdgj cggjsfgw betas be SM Aiwn nrnnnnnnn one battery nnnin nnnnn ning Remove theierit caps from the booster battery and 8 fast charger cover the cap Openings with aclcth A battery may be charged at any rate which does not cause the electrolyte temperature of any cell to ex 6 r CAUTION U he car is being jump started by a bat giildlgggcglelggrvgwse does not cause excesswe gassmg tery in another car the cars must not contact each A fast charger cannot be expected to fully charge al Other battery within an hour but will charge the battery Connect a jumper cable between the positive posts sufficiently so that it may be returned to service and of the two batteries The positive post may be then be fully charged by the vehicle charging system identified by the POS embossed on the battery cover provided the vehicle is operated a sufficient length of in 1 4 inch letters adjacent to the battery post time