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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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3 10 ELECTIIICAL r Perform the hydrometer test as follows 1 cietii outside of battery with 3 sbiiitibii bi bak ing soda and water Make a visual inspection of con tainer covers and terminal posts Remove vent plugs SELECTOR 2 Add water if necessary to bring electrolyte to AM mos the proper level and apply a fast boost charge of ap vmlsk proximately 35 amperes for 10 minutes Then take and g0Ap record temperature corrected hydrometer readings f B Proceed to step 3 l KNOB 3 Apply a fast boost charge of approximately 35 amperes for 30 minutes Record temperature corrected Q hydrometer readings II cells show a slight or no in crease in hydrometer reading proceed to step 4 otherwise determine replacement as follows a If the variation in temperature corrected hydrometer readings found in step 3 is 50 points or more for the individual cells within a battery replace battery b If one cell lags behind in gravity and its O O electrolyte when drawn into the hydrometer is dis colored with the remaining cells relatively clear re place battery O O O O O O c If the electrolyte in one or more cells is dis J colored replace battery A battery in this condition has been damaged in service by heavy cycling or elec H 3 5 lh L Tm trolyte has been frozen 3 Turn selector knob to AMP position NOTE When replacing a battery with damage Caused by heavy cycling the altermm Should be 4 Connecttest leads as shown in f1gure3 5 checked to determine if it has sufficient output to 5 Turn carbon pile knob clockwise until ammeter satisfy the electrical demands of that particular reading is equal to three times the ampere hour rating vehick Also the next larger size battery should be in ofthe battery stalkd ifpossible 150 amperes for 50 amp hour battery 180 amperes for 60 amp hour battery etc d If all cells show a more than slight increase in wmpemmm corrected gravities with variation 6 Maintain load for 15 seconds turn selector within 50 points and have clear electrolyte battery is Switch m VOLTS and read the s al probably only discharged and can be returned to ser If the voltmeter reading was 9 6 volts or higher vice with the battery temperature at a minimum of 70 F 4 Sulfated batteries may be brought back to the battery has good output capacity If less than 9 6 service condition by a slow charge 3 to 4 amperes for volts replace the battery 48 to 72 hours After this charge all cells should read at least 1 250 corrected gravity and have clear electro lyte if not the battery is not serviceable If the varia Bllilfy SllII I l tion in hydrometer readings is more than 50 points pl b Y All automotive wet batteries will discharge slowly when stored Batteries discharge faster when warm than when cold For example at 100 F 37 8 C a Hlivy Md Tnl normal self discharge of 0 0025 specific gravity per day could be expected At 50 F 10 C a discharge of NOTE The following instructions refer to amserv 0 0003 specific gravity would be normal Ba w AltWmt r R gumtw Tester Model 21 wz Before storage clean the battery case with a baking 1 Before performing a heavy load test battery igilsgiugaziirgzntiugigpi312 misgigggt must be fully charged r f rmSI w Chargel after three readings taken one hour apart and then 2 Turn carbon pile knob of battery tester to OFF store in as cool and dry a place as possible refer to position Freezing Temperature Chart