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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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3 40 ELECTRICAL VI STARTER CABLE TEST VULTARE RRR age drop is 0 3 volt or less replace solenoid to starter cable General Starter Motor Ground Voltage Drop Test V 4 Fly 3 49 The starter cable tests will determine if there is ex 1 C t It wr n ative 1 d to starter cessive resistance in the circuit fig 3 49 When per motor hoggafg V0 me eg forming these tests it is important that the voltmeter be connected to the terminals that the cables are con neggigvggggsct voltmeter pusmve lead m battery nected to instead of to iust the cables For example 3 Crank engine and mw voltmeter reading while when checking from the battery to the solenoid the cranking Reading should beo Zvolt Orless voltmeter probes must be touching the battery post 4 1f reading is more than 0 2 volt move positive and the solenmd threaded Stud voltmeter lead to ground cable attaching bolt at engine Before performing tests and retest 1 Remove coil secondary wire from distributor 5 If voltmeter is less than 0 2 volt when checking and ground coil wire at batter ground cable check starter motor for loose V 2 Place transmission in Neutral or Park and ap mounting bolts corrosion or dirt on the mounting ply parking brake surface 3 Be sure battery is fully charged 6 If voltage drop is more than 0 2 volt when Bm In sum mm vom umn Tous vp un checking at ground cable connect voltmeter leads to 349 ground cable leads and retest l 7 If voltage drop is now less than 0 2 volt clean 41 Connect voltmeter positive lead to battery posi connections between engine block and cable If voltage tive post drop is more than 0 2 volt move voltmeter negative 2 Connect voltmeter negative lead to starter lead to battery negative post clamp and retest If more motor terminal I I than 0 1 volt clean terminals If 0 1 volt or less re 3 Crank engine and note voltmeter reading while place ground cable cranking V 1 Reading should be 0 5 volt or less If reading is more than 0 5 volt move test lead to starter Sum Mawr salmon P ln wlmlml Tut cable at the starter and retest If voltage reading is 0 5 This best determines if Solenoid pulmn winding is or less remove cable from starter and clean connec Shormd Drown tions If reading is more than 0 5 volt perform tests 1 RBm0VeiS t rminalwire from Solenoid on each cable and the solenoid to locate problem area 2 Connect one ohmmeter lead to S m miml 3 Connect remaining ohmmeter lead to solenoid nm y l s l n ld V l DNF TNS v 2 3 9 case or mounting bracket ohmmeter should indicate 1 Connect voltmeter positive lead to battery posi 3 to 5 ohms If solenoid is not within these limits re tive post place solenoid Q gonngcyglgyeyr pegegive had 0 mlm cr NOTE A 0 Soma ground an be atmiad by mm Crea S O 30 arc lt be d h l moving one ohmmeter lead to the battery negative ter i ran eilgme an no V0 me r rea mg W l G minaL If an increase in resistance Ls shown the cranking Reading should be 0 2 volt or less If reading solemw has a M Tmmd is above 0 2 volts remove cable clean connections and P0 g retest If reading is still above 0 2 volt replace cable v 1 Solenolll Voltage Drop Test V 3 tin 3 49 5 1 Connect voltmeter positive lead to battery posi YOLTMETER vZ SDLENOID l UVB DOSf 2i j srnnrzn l 2 Connect voltmeter negative lead to starter TERMINAL cable at solenoid l I 3 Crank engine and note voltmeter reading while gggiggbn 1 I cranking Reading should be less than 0 3 volt TERMINAL 1 4 lf reading is over 0 3 volt move voltmeter con I T nections from cable connections to solenoid starter ter l GREEN Wn R MME ER I minal and retest lf voltage drop is now 0 3 or less re l BATTERV STARTER i e move cables and clean connections If voltage drop is I g Mg ron r stan in mm of oe von replace solenoid L l 5 if battery to starter circuit voltage drop was A 2 more than 0 5 volt but battery through solenoid volt 3 49 gym gmkm umnn im