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Technical Service Manual January 1975 |
r FUEL GARBUHETIDN 4 39 The volume of air entering the choke housing is cIl lIll ll0I llllllllllil controlled by calibrated restrictions in the carburetor The heated air entering the choke housing causes the Flooding stumble on acceleration and other perfor thermostatic coil to gradually lose its tension and un mance 0mDl ll ltS dtd lll mlmy l S ll S oeueed by wind the presence of dirt water or other foreign matter in the carburetor To aid in diagnosing the cause of com During the warmup period a fast idle must be pro plaint the carburetor should be carefully removed vided to prevent engine stalling The fast idle cam is from the engine without removing the fuel from the rotated into position against the fast idle screw by the bowl The contents of the bowl then may be examined thermostatic choke shaft and lever assembly and for contamination as the carburetor is disassembled results in increased engine speed in proportion to the choke valve opening When the choke valve is fully 1 Remove air cleaner open the fast idle cam rotates free of the fast idle screw allowing the engine to return to curb idle 2 Remove throttle cable from throttle lever Dis connect distributor vacuum line PCV hose EGR lf llle engl ls Mcelfilnaled llllllllg the warmup pel vacuum line in line fuel filter and the choke heat iod the resulting drop in manifold vacuum decreases tube nt the nanbunetun the pull of the choke piston against the tension of the thermostatic coil and allows the choke valve to move 3 Disconect choke clean airline from air horn toward the closed position This provides the richer mixture required to prevent engine stalling iid liemclg carburetorbletflllng lllltstfllld l ll l car ure or emove car ure or moun mg gas e Should the engine become flooded during the start Spacer and lgwgy gasket from intake manifold ing period the choke can be mechanically opened A specified distance by depressing the accelerator pedal to the floor A tang on the primary throttle lever will carhurgtgr ng g g g l then contact the fast idle cam and partially open the choke valve through connecting linkage This is refer lll Clean gasket mounting Surfaces of spacer and red ee the unleedeo carburetor Place spacer between two new gaskets and To avoid overloading A told engine n secondary position spacer and gaskets on intake manifold Posi lockout lever engages a tang on the secondary throttle tlllll al bllli t l lm spalleln and gasket all seclll Q lt stop lever and prevents secondary throttle operation Wllh lmllnlng llll 8 T pl eV ll l llag dll l tl n l during the warmup period The lockout iever reienses demoee to the carburetor body ilangensnug the nuts the secondary throttle only after the choke is fully allathelll ig l i l iili il h nut lll 8 crlssmloss Dunn pa ern o 2 Connect in line fuel filter throttle cable choke heat tube distributor vacuum line EGR vacuum line CIRBURETUR 0VElll AlIL and pgv msg 3 Connect choke clean air line to the air horn The following procedure applies to complete 4 overhaul with the carburetor removed from the en 4 Adjust Z1 ldle Speed ldl fddl mlxture and gina antistall dashpot if equipped Install air cleaner A complete disassembly is not necessary when per forming adjustments In most cases service adjust l lS 88llI lIly ments of individual systems may be completed without removin the carburetor from the engine refer to Service Aliijustmem Procedures 1 Remove fuel inlet line from fuel filter 2 Remove choke clean air pickup connecting tube A complete carburetor overhaul includes disassem from air horn bly thorough cleaning inspection and replacement of l all gaskets and worn or damaged parts Refer to 3 Remove choke control rod retainer from figure 4 69 for parts identification automatic choke lever Separate rod from lever 4 Remove accelerator pump throttle link retainer NOTE When using an overhaul kit use all parts in from throttle lever assembly Separate link from lever eluded in kit assembly