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Technical Service Manual January 1975 |
VI FUEL JAllBl llETI0ll 4 47 V ll Back out idle speed screw until primary 5 t throttleplatesseatinbom e r rw 2 Turn accelerating pump throttle link adjusting l KE 4 1 nut until the notch in the pump lever is aligned with it me index mark on the air horn ng tsl A i i H3 Adjust by loosening the locknut and turning the ashpot l i i 2 annex Manx i uorcu U 5 bl 4 i Aocstenarimc vume Lzvsa t E 4 i r ADJUSTING NUQ e it H 4 v c nf r P JQ 1 ti W s o o7o uci it K ctzanmce I it lz U wb at 6B5 U A ei l i i it Acr E nA rm rum Flg 4 83 un wl r in Bnoknucuslng I2l annc r LE LINK lie A sd rnnorrta snarr LEVER nm sweep Tl l 0llll Klckar Idluslmunl scnzw ty Ausoea First complete Fast Idle Cam Linkage Adjustment Flu 4 B4 Iuutlmllng Pump Mlltlmllll 1 Push down on the fast idle cam counterweight until screw is in contact with the second index step and aginst the shoulder of the high step llllll Spud lllll MlXllIN M IISlIIIOIIl 0Il Vlllllllll 2 With a minimum of 15 inches of vacuum applied to diaphragm turn adjusting screw on liefer to Engine ldle Setting Procedures in the diaphragm until high idle cam just falls free of the Em Ss C r l cam screw Dashpot Ad ustm nl Un Vehicle Automatic Choke Mluslmant un ur Ull llolulclol ii Set thmnie at mb idie posinm Loosen the choke cover retaining screws and rotate 2 F lly press the dashpor Stem and measure the the cover in the desired direction as indicated by clearance between the stem and the throttle Ieverias mow on face ot mm mer to carburetor service shew f e re 4 85 Refer Carburetor Semee Specification for the correct setting The specified sett Speclflcarlons rc the correct sem ing will be satisfactory for most driving conditions However in the event that stumbles or stalls occur on F3 g Spud Mi l q D Which acceleration during engine warmup period the choke may be set richer or leaner using the tolerance pro Set the fast idle speed with the engine at operating vided to meet individual engine requirements temperature and the fast idle screw against the first kickdown step middle step of the fast idle cam Refer M nt0r pump Mllmmam to Car3uretn d e1iv icetSpecifimtigniimr the correct rpm se ing Jus y urmng e as 1 escrew NOTE The euzcelerating pump throttle link must be installed in the lower hole of the throttle shaft lever NOTE When adjusting fast bile speed disconnect assembly and plug mwuum hose al EGR valve and spark port