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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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5 2 CLUTCH rn Clutch pedal pulsation NOTE Whenever clutch components are removed Clutch related vibration also remove pilot bushing lulmlcating urick and soak Clutch area noises wick in engine oil Install wick before assembly Each category is described in common complaint language and followed by a common sense approach to g me p l l lo cllerlr for oil or grease epnlemlrletrpr or plrlver NOTE Before performing any of the diagnosis and gLa ai n I a c gFancct cause Of mnmmmmmn agar rmgjdrjej grtljgreftbrfnq m df r rlyj lnl cheer elrler cover for broken or collapsed he um Of E C if C pe a O l S S ap cm mins pe a springs and inspect surface of pressure plate for deep free may scoring cracks heat checking or warping check sur face with straightedge Replace clutch cover if it ex c c u E hibits any of these conditions If clutch cover is in good condition do not replace it Clutch chatter can be described as a shaking or al Clean oil and dirt from cover with mineral shuddering sensation that is felt throughout the spirits and allow to air dry vehicle Chatter usually develops when the clutch bl Lightly sand pressure plate surface with cover pressure plate makes initial contact with the fine emery cloth driven plate and ceases when the clutch is fully en cl Lubricate release lever pivots and check re gaged clutch pedal released Check clutch operation lease lever height Adjust height if necessary as follows WARNING The jollowing test requires clutch en CAljlTIONi AW lV lubnumt t Pwots SP mgll Uagenlent to the pmnt Of my m e e t AWE to fam cesstlle lubrication could result in grease contamina uml rea Ofvehicle must be clear tion of pressure plate and driven plate surfaces 1 Start engine depress clutch pedal and shift 12 Inspect crankshaft pilot bushing Replace bush transmission into first gear ing if worn deeply scored or discolured 2 Increase engine speed to 1200 to 1500 rpm and slowly release clutch pedal When pressure plate makes initial contact with driven plate observe clutch NOTE Soak replw mwt bushing WL www ml b f0 operation Depress clutch pedal and reduce engine i7L8Y 1ll 1 i0 speed 3 Shift transmission into reverse and repeat the 13 Ins ect condition of splines on transmission procedureoutlinedinstep 2 I h h gt d d I t h b If S lines are 4 If clutch chatter does not develop increase en C utc S a ma md nw za e ul lpt h Shaft gine speed to 1700 to 2200 rpm and repeat steps 2 r i5 2 l 9 pF 0 r im fxgtregracgui cmu be and 3 V hl lstone or fine tooth 5 If clutch chatter does not develop after perfor removed from splines wit an OI ming tests Outlined in Steps 1 through 4 problem file tlnstallfdriyen plitefton clutch shaft Driven plate may be improper operation by owner If clutch chatter ml 4 n al l t2 Scoin onents were in good c0ndi d0 gel l l d0 6 tion proceed to step 15 If one or more components 7 Check for loose or broken from or rear engine were d term ne l6to be faulty repair as outlined and support cushions Tighten or replace as necessary pmcee wswpg ik h 1 t tuned in Check for loose clutch housing to engine and clutch Q5 Check utc Timing atlggmen as Ou d m housing or adapter to transmission attaching bolts thi i T n 16Y ecl algnmen I necessary an p T as R jf g g j Tle 1 ly rn film er chassis lubricant on splines mls Seciwn C ec or m mg wqm n or ro en of transmission clutch shaft Do not apply lubricant to clutch linkage components Lubricate or replace as pilot hub T T ll remper erlr inspected were in good repel 1Q S Pfc j g i r W 1 tion proceed to step ol is prle or more problems were p S Ss discovered and corrected lower car and repeat step 1 If chatter is still evident proceed to step 9 NOTE Do not replace any release bearing and sleeve 9 Remove transmission and clutch components unless it is defective or damaged Refer to Clutch Area as outlined in this section Noises