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Technical Service Manual January 1975 |
8 12 TRANSFER CASE r When vehicle speed drops below 5 mph engage Tllwlllli reduction unit by moving lever fully forward tcm models or up Cherokee wsgcnecr and Automatic Transmission with Quadro Trac Loss Low Truck models D0 not stop at Neutral position Rang m m Ulm which is for towing use only To disengage Low Range drive Ignition Key Available Turn ignition key to OFF Take foot off accelerator position to unlock steering column and gearshift selec When vehicle speed drops to 5 to 10 mph shift tor linkage Place transmission gearshift lever in N automatic Smi5Si0 l l 0 Neutral Neutral If vehicle is to be towed with all four wheels On CJ models pull lever fully rearward On on the ground disconnect both propeller shafts from Cherokee Wagoneer or Truck models push lever axle yokes be sure to index mark propeller shafts and fully downward Do not stop at Neutral position yokes for proper alignment at assembly secure shafts on any model when disengaging low range re to underside of vehicle and proceed with towing If duction unit vehicle is to be towed with front end raised disconnect rear propeller shaft only index mark for proper as nl sembly later and secure shaft to underside of vehicle 1 Ignition Key Not Available Place dolly under o rear wheels and tow vehicle with front end raised or w disconnect rear propeller shaft at rear axle yoke index F NEUTRAL mark for correct assembly later secure shaft to un M derside of vehicle and tow with front wheels raised Av I Automatic Transmission with Uuadra Trac and Low Ranqo s 2265 5 Roductlon llnlt f jo Ignition Key Available Vehicle can be towed with N all four wheels on the ground without disconnecting Qi propeller shafts Place transmission gearshift lever in 2 P Park and shift low range reduction unit gearshift lever to N Neutral position If Emergency Drive con 4 trol in glove box was in EMERGENCY DRIVE when JT the engine was shut down restart engine and turn the cr control knob to the NORMAL position Never tow the 5 555 vehicle with the Emergency Drive control activated or with reduction unit in Low Range position z i T y 5 Ignition Key Not Available and vehicle is Locked eg i 0rhUnl0cke l f Place ldolly undei rear i vheels and tow sl is Q i jQ i vs ice wit ront w ees raise or isconnect rear 0 V 55 5 i ZL propeller shaft at rear axle index mark for proper as ANG y5 qilifsfigy O Selmbly secure shaft to underside of vehicle and tow 5 W 5 s r L with front wheels raised frog 3 9 1 sncn sur connmuu gag i 1 i 2 6 s glgiJTgi 4 j i When the clutch elements of the Quadra Trac drive La gs iii Z 1 f system stick it is under a torque windup condition as gf 5 I in a conventional transfer case Sudden release of the i Q l 1 A i s5 gg j V Y clutch under this condition results in a constant pul J fs fi X sating grunt like or rasping noise This is a low r i Mr 5 t ie s cf z iff so me a my s Q frequency stick slip noise that if it occurs is evident ff fa Q to the driver at slow speeds such as when slowly tur fidija j g t ff g ls ning a corner or when maneuvering to park V 5 j f j3 3 5 y rg ti A The st1ck sl1p noise will not occur when the vehicle yn cy tg r or is driven in a straight ahead position If a noise j2E f i f j Yyhifj similar to stick slip but much louder occurs in the V straight ahead position the chain should be inspected Flu B lB llltllwiltln lllll Shlll lwlf for excessive looseness