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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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9 I NW Pap Irak Dlagmlz 4 9 I llydraulk Sym 9 I3 rak Appllu n than 4 9 I1 Sncmtatlm 940 Ilkc Iuka 4 9 27 T r Spwlllnllans 940 Ilrnm Inns 9 21 Vital and Tlm 9 36 Pap Page lrl mn t 4 4 4 9 I 9 n r I 4 91 Ms Iraku Sorvlm Illmmls mm Ilnlm Illapmk Prondun 9 2 8b mk W on r Tnnk 4 4 9 9 mar Unlt 8 rvlo Ilhgnuls 9 2 Dru Bram Smloa DI qml AI lkml 4 9 3 GENERAL brake equipped vehicles utilize a single push rod in the ln most instances the customer will describe the pox Tsgnzaeedllllgitilgx lYVh 2dr c g difficulty as one or more of the conditions listed in the po lacemenf we unit as ig has been lg rl aged diagnosis charts Road test the vehicle with the rep po ll pe Yee and preset for use with the replacement unit Pedal customer to confirm the difficulty and obtain addi free play for power brake equipped vehicles is the tional information Follow procedures listed in the d same as for vehicles with manual brakes 1 16 inch to iagnosis charts to pinpoint the cause of the problem 1 4 inch llllusllllllls mum ann n unm m An mam ann lend Unk NOTE Wheel brakes must be adjusted prior to The one piece suspended brake pedal is connected to ld7 eli g pllrklllg bmkelll the support bracket by the brake pedal shaft The k k shaft serves both as an attaching part and as a pivot ll Release Pell lllg bla e 1 d 1 W for the brake pEdal V 2 Eulomn locknuts at equa izer an re ieve 11 The power pedal linkage to the master cylinder Slllll ll piston or power unit push rod if equipped with power el lnspecl all llallle l ll l l kllll s or frayed brakes should be lubricated and inspected regularly l l l R pl 1ele lVSi 1l d d d t for binding looseness or excessive play Binding can h il Tlglllell wb as llllll S lg l l ag ll pm me le cause improper pedal release which may result in W ee S brake drag and rapid lining wear Worn pedal linkage el Leesell cables llllllll Wheels relate freely and no may cause low pedal or frequent need for brake ll ll i1t nl0cknutS at equalizer adjustment Pedal free play should be 1 16 to 1 4 inch in 7 Check Operation ofparkmgbrake adequate free play can result in brake drag or grab Excessive free play can result in a low brake pedal pp v l A Mmm Pedal free play on models with nonpower brakes is governed by the brake pedal push rod length which is The stoplamp switch is mounted on a flange preset at manufacture Push rod length is not attached to the brake pedal support bracket fig 9 1 adjustable on these models and under normal circum A spring loaded plunger in the switch makes and stances should not require further attention Power breaks the stoplamp circuit