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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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fl BRAKES ANI WHEELS 9 21 hm Pap Banml 4 4 4 4 9 21 S rvIu CJ Ilmls 9 22 Srrvlno Ch r k Vla nii r Tnick 4 9 23 GENERAL lever Cherokee Wagoneer and Truck models will lift the lever into engagement with the next tooth of the The drum breke umr currrlst of 8 uPP rt l7l8t adjusting screw when the brakes are applied When the two br k h urukfrsuue return Pr r uuJuSr r brake is released the shoes return to the anchor screw holdduwn Spmlgm auiomatlc adjuster com The automatic adjuster utilizes movement of the 0 d r p y d 13 9 16 ppcpppspy amp rp a pam ppm application tp Thi 8 1 0l1 l3t1C 8d 1SCE C0 1Cl1 1l10 15Iy l I A31 Aii81l lS COI actuam the adjuster mechanism rect operating clearance between the brake linings and k I the drums by adjusting the brakes in small mpg This Q 0 will repeat gm subsequentrbra e 33108 menls ln dlrecl nmnnmnn to llnlng Wann This c0n tions until the shoe to lining clearance is reduce llc a tinuous adjustment prevents gradual increase in the ef Whwh the Shoe movement ns nvl ensue llc brake pedal travel as the linings Wann The adjuster cause the automatic adjuster to lift the ever to t e adds the safety feature of maintaining adequate pedal h reserve during the service life of the lining The adjusting lever and adjusting screw assembly Afzer the lining wears enough to require adjust are left or right hand parts not interchangeable and ment the adjusting cable CJ models or actuating must be kept separated suvronr stare Access seven Q S E G E PLATE unions snake Leven j sean saunas untvi l steenscnsw 9 ssuonnssv snos l 0 Q Q ii l LYp pG X JA 0 L A I CO PRE I ru 5 ss 0 Yi Q l i ll l p Mum sown rm I n nEl ln ER g PRIMARY nl PISTDN CUP szrusu semuc 0 l K UNK piston 4 II susr casts som 0 sums 1 0 1 s a x rmmasv w Q FRONT suns Aniusvmc SGREW Amusvzk Assenstv LEVER i eomnowu PARKING BRAKE srmrr W senmc Amusrsn Ann semnc SPRING sssmc REAR snakes ONLY cops sqm Flg 9 13 Ilnm Bnka Amnhly CJ Mudd