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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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10 1 AXLES P 10PELLEI1 SHAFTS Pago P o from Axlo 4 10 3 Slandard Dlllorollllal 4 4 4 4 4 4 10 16 Propollnr Shall and Unlvorsal Jolnl 10 30 Tosllng and Dlagnoxls 4 4 10 1 1l arAxlo 4 4 10 9 Tools 4 4 10 44 Spaclllcallons 4 4 10 30 Tral Lok Dllloronllal 1 1 4 4 10 32 Pago Paoo Axle Toslx 1 4 4 10 1 0rIv LIn Vlhrallolls 1 10 Z Axl Noisy on limi 4 4 1 10 2 Ganoral 1 10 1 Axle llolsy on Pull 10 2 0lh r Axle Condlllons 4 10 2 Axlo Noisy on Pull and Coast 10 2 Tlra llolso Tesla 4 10 1 Backlash 4 1 4 10 2 llllloal llurlno Tesla 1 10 1 0hallar Tm Lok 0iIl ronllaI 1 10 2 GENERAL various types of road surfaces and listen for a change in the noise If the noise varies with the type of sur In diagnosing a reported axle noise condition obtain face tires may be the cause a complete description of the noise and driving condi tions when the noise occurred A preliminary road test vith the customer demonstrating the complaint WHEEL BEARWQ TESTS condition ls recommended The action of tranornitting engine torque to the wom loose or damaged wheel bearings may be wheels will produce some noise in the axles Slight confused with axle noise Wheel bean ing noise is axle nniaeo eenllined to it Shel ooeed range 0i 0 B usually more noticeable when coasting at lower vehicle Specific period are conoidered normal speeds Applying the brakes gently will usually change Noioeo produced hr the engine transfer casa trans wheel bearing noise Another test is to turn the rniooiont tireS Wheel bearings exhaust system propel vehicle alternately left and right which side loads the ie enelh 0i ine action of Wind on the body OF grille bearings causing the defective bearing to become may be incorrectly diagnosed as produced by an axle noisy Thoroughly test the vehicle to isolate the problem component With the vehicle stopped and the transmission in neutral run the engine at various speeds If the noise AXLE TESTS is heard during this test the noise is confined to the errant orterrt thtrh trrrrntrri rn tranrier a lZ a3l lL S S a3 fl 3a 1Y 2Tii Za22 i Lia lZ asE r e gm d Wen accessory Bqulpmerm performed using different transmission and transfer l Prior so tileldiagnostilc rofld test check the tire pre Case gear C0mbinammSA Ssurean or e u ntan are s Axle noise conditions are usually related to vehicle speed rather than engine rpm or transmission gears Axle noises may he classified into two types gear E E noise and bearing noise Gear noise is recognized as a whine or high pitched Since some types of tire tread wear or tread pat resonating sound more pronounced at certain speeds terns may produce objectionable noises drive on and usually within a narrow speed range under a