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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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I0 2 AXLES PIIOPELLER SllIFTS VI drive accelerating load coast decelerating load or OTIIEII AXLE CONDITIONS float maintained speed condition Axle bearing noise is usually constant and the pitch ls related to the vehicle Sne d hA knocking or cluilung noilslellaeartl at loytipeeddnr w en coas mg may e cause y a oose 1 1ng 1 Sulee the I ll Zeer mms este thee me mg Keen ferential side gear in the differential case bore When the v e e veeduee e h sl ee17 eMl he M uno condition is encountered applying the brakes iigh lleeegiel beerilisl Thed vlggln 3l3e e eee eeuelly tiy will nonnny nonnoo one sound eee 3 OW ve lc eevee S mp Differential gear noise is considered normal when Differential oeoningo are lower in pnon because evinnins e eeer Whee1fere he vehiele wheel l el e they are turning at the same speed as the wheels ing nr when 3 rear wheel is spinning due to icy condi when the vehicle is driven straight ahead Differential Hens bearing noise will not vary when the vonioio is turned Whew e e hee been deeermuzed ee be eeeeed bv alternately left and right or when the brakes are gently the bea mgS ehe gears d n0t requlre replacement applied less an inspection reveals signs of obvious damage When the noise is determined to be caused by the pinion and ring gears at low mileages the need for bear lacement is dependent upon inspection of the AXLE rmisv an ruu Aim mm l r f gs during overhaul Excess backlash ring gear and pinion adjust Pinion shaft end play adjust Worn pinion bearing replace Pinion set too deep in ring gear adjust DRIVE LINE VIBMTIUNS Wrong Trac Lok differential lubricant replace Vibration in the drive line can be caused by a variety of conditions The following procedure can be AXLE IIDISY 0N PUU used to isolate the most common causes Pinion and ring gear out of ndjnStm nt adjust 4 1 Check condition of tires Compare differences Pinion bearings mugh enlnc l in tread wear side to side and front to rear Be sure Pinion beal lngS adjust4 tire type and sizleslare same especially with Quadra Tracequippe ve ic es 2 Check tire pressures and set to specifications IXLE NDISY DN CIIAST 3 Check wheel and tire balance and correct if necessary Excessive backlash 1n ring gear and nlnl0n ndjuSt 4 Check all drive line components universal End play ln pinion ge8r adjust joints engine mounts transmission mounts and Rough b al lngs plac spring bushings for tightness 5 Check front and rear pinion angle as follows a Place vehicle on rail hoist one that sup ports vehicle on all four tires BACKMSN b Check level of vehicle by placing a bubble Excessive backlash in the vehicle drive line may be Pr emllght I e Y f f e elde Yell lmd the result of excessive backlash in the transmission Yeadlng we ef level l dm hlm l W e d by PPT propeller shaft spline universal joint ring gear and ln 8 ipeeeilbeeween ure and me wl ee bring Vehle e l h ft l Y dy l o eve posi ion pmmn ax 9 5 3 Sp me Or I Bren la c Using bubble protractor check pinion angle by taking a reading from cover face of differential housing Reading can be taken from cover flange I IIA I I EII IIIAc I I II IIIFFEIIEIITIAI however differential can be drained cover removed d d tak f achined surface of housing Chatter in the Trac Lok rear differential is usually an ma mg an mm m caused by the use of improper lubricant If this is 4 l determined to be the cause of chatter change NOTE All angles are gwen m degrees above lubricant Use only Jeep Trac Lok Lubricant part hommztat Referlto Prawn Angle Chart m Specifica number 8991018 or equivalent Lions portzon ofthts sectum